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#1 Re: Backlight 3 Support » Pre BL2 to BL3 update help » 2020-04-30 23:26:41

Effortless upgrade with no problems! I have it on my test site and checking it out

Some site information:

Hosted on: 1and1 IONOS
Php version:  7.4
memory_limit: 256mb

Thanks much guys!!

#2 Backlight 3 Support » Pre BL2 to BL3 update help » 2020-04-30 22:11:28

Replies: 3

Before updating from 2 to 3 I checked modules on my BL2 test site for out standing BL2 updates and saw this:
module-framework   2.0.14   2.0.15 so I performed update all (which it did), logged out and then got locked when
trying to log back in. I reset admin site passwd and got back in.

Before I buy am I still ok to upgrade or am I hosed?


#3 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Can't Change BL2 footer data & strange Firefox behavior » 2019-01-16 07:24:19

Rod, it looks like the latest round of Backlight2 updates fixed my problems!

#4 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Can't Change BL2 footer data & strange Firefox behavior » 2019-01-04 00:58:54

Thanks very much for the compliments Rod!
I will continue to poke around.  It looks like it's only occurring for me.  As I mentioned earlier, I took a lot of system, firefox and ttg upgrades. This problem only occurs on my desktop firefox but not mobile.  I use Samsung mobile galaxy note8 browser.

#5 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Can't Change BL2 footer data & strange Firefox behavior » 2019-01-02 03:01:02

Thanks Rod, It did exactly that -- "2018 - 2019" (good to know!)

rod wrote:

(2) Using Firefox browser and selecting a menu to go to, the main menu remains open (doesn't automatically close) and you have to manually close it to get to selected item.  This behavior is not present in windows 10 Internet explorer, Edge or Android Samsung, Chrome, Dolphin browsers.  BTW, I've updated to Windows 10 17763/1809, Firefox took and update and I took several BL2 updates all in Dec 2018.

Any other thoughts on this?  When I first start Firefox it's OK but reverts back to the original problem as I keep browsing in website

#7 Re: Backlight 2 Support » ReCaptcha problems on android mobile » 2018-12-31 05:37:31

Thanks much Matt.  I've dealt with Samsung before on unrelated issues --- Frustrating to say the least.

#8 Backlight 2 Support » Can't Change BL2 footer data & strange Firefox behavior » 2018-12-31 05:29:06

Replies: 9

(1) Tried changing footer year several times (even after clearing template cache) but changes won't take.

(2) Using Firefox browser and selecting a menu to go to, the main menu remains open (doesn't automatically close) and you have to manually close it to get to selected item.  This behavior is not present in windows 10 Internet explorer, Edge or Android Samsung, Chrome, Dolphin browsers.  BTW, I've updated to Windows 10 17763/1809, Firefox took and update and I took several BL2 updates all in Dec 2018.

#9 Re: Backlight 2 Support » ReCaptcha problems on android mobile » 2018-12-16 12:06:14

It works in mobile Chrome, Dolphin but fails on Samsung Internet browser.

#10 Backlight 2 Support » ReCaptcha problems on android mobile » 2018-12-14 06:24:27

Replies: 4

I'm using ReCaptcha V2 (with checkbox) in my contact form.  It works fine in desktop mode but sits and spins in android mobile mode preventing email from being sent.  I did delete/recreate the Site/Secret KEYS in google and reinstalled in BL2 settings but still same results.  Can You Help?

#12 Re: Backlight Support » Change desktop navagation to vertical » 2018-10-30 01:30:12

Thanks much Matt.  One more related question: in the 2 column layout is there a way to collapse the menu like mobile?

#13 Backlight Support » Change desktop navagation to vertical » 2018-10-28 04:19:53

Replies: 4


desktop: I disabled horizontal but no vertical menu appears (or any menu for that fact).  I would like to use vertical Nav on desktop in left pallet like mobile  What else has to be done to make this work?

#14 Re: Backlight 2 Support » pangolin Theater video template » 2018-09-22 05:44:24

Daniel Leu wrote:

I would check if your host supports backups.

They do and I have used restoration from them a few timesn the past with no problems (

#15 Re: Backlight 2 Support » pangolin Theater video template » 2018-09-22 05:17:18

Daniel Leu wrote:
Pfredd wrote:

You can upload your video thumbnail to the video's album using Publisher, then edit the album to set the cover photo to that thumbnail.

I have a hidden album managed by Publisher with the thumbnail dimension matching my design. The slug is 'custom-thumbnails'. Whenever I need a new thumbnail, I upload it to this directory using Lr Publisher and then can select it in the album/album-set settings.

You can do the same for the videos where you manage them directly in BL2/Publisher.

I will have to try this Daniel.

My process right now is to goto you-tube, use their software to extract the video thumbnails, download it, load it into LR , add it to the you-tube video theater and publish from Lightroom.  It's labor intensive and I have to keep track of which thumbnail goes to which you-tube album not to mention all the extra Lightroom stuff that is added.  Piwigo and old Gallery 3 did create the thumbnails auto-magically after the you-tube video id was entered.

I may end up doing all from TTG BL2 publisher but if have to test a scenario where I loose web data and have to recreate.  Doing this in Lightroom affords some level of protection thru backups.

#16 Re: Backlight 2 Support » pangolin Theater video template » 2018-09-22 05:00:26

rod barbee wrote:

You could try deleting the Publisher instance. But before you do that, set up a test instance, add some albums, then delete the test instance and see what happens.
If that won’t work you might just have to delete and re-create them outside of Lightroom.

Ok, Created a TEST plugin (on Test Site), added some albums to it using Lightroom and published to Web.  Next we deleted just the TEST plugin in Lightroom.  Went out to the WEB and the TEST dir/albums were still there with all the albums in it.  Cool!

#17 Re: Backlight 2 Support » pangolin Theater video template » 2018-09-20 11:18:54

2. We have a large youtube video gallery completely managed in lightroom classic.  We would like to remove it from lightroom and just manage it from the web admin without losing what we already have on the web. We noticed that these galleries have the source set to "Lightroom". Perhaps removing the BL2 plugin for this gallery and how to reset source to web side?

Matt & Rod, my question 2 is unanswered.  I already have the Video gallery.on my site from BL1.  My question was how do I get it out of LR without rubbing out the Video gallery on my web site: remove the LR BL2 plugin for this gallery? (I have 4 BL2 LR plugins: Airshows, Cars, Video, Test)


#18 Re: Backlight 2 Support » pangolin Theater video template » 2018-09-20 08:28:54

Matthew wrote:

Album Sets do not care about the type of content they are listing, and expect to find a thumbnail in the designated place. The album set, being unaware whether or not the listed item is YouTube content, cannot get a thumbnail from YouTube.

What about the 2nd question?

#19 Backlight 2 Support » pangolin Theater video template » 2018-09-20 06:59:37

Replies: 12

2 questions:

1. Can you add fetching youtube video thumbnails to theater?

2. We have a large youtube video gallery completely managed in lightroom classic.  We would like to remove it from lightroom and just manage it from the web admin without losing what we already have on the web. We noticed that these galleries have the source set to "Lightroom". Perhaps removing the BL2 plugin for this gallery and how to reset source to web side?

Btw, the new module upgrade process is a WINNER!!

#20 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Breadcrumbs in BL2 non-gallery pages » 2018-09-18 09:46:09

rod wrote:

Are you using the current Pangolin-based Dark Starter temlate? (I don't recall if there was an Okapi version)
the only other thing I can think of is that you're installing the file on one test site and looking for it on another. Is there a chance of that happening?

Location was fixed by repointing the test domain
Script had small error at the end and this was fixed.  Breadcrumbs now work! 

Thanks much for all the time and the breadcrumbs script!!

} // END

// ****************************************************************************************************
} ?>

#21 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Breadcrumbs in BL2 non-gallery pages » 2018-09-18 08:56:29

rod wrote:

weird. I have no okapi-sample.php file in backlight/custom/phplugins/
I'll email you the default backlight.php file with Daniel's code at the top of the user area. I'll comment out the other sample functions.

phplugins-okapi-sample.php is what I have in custom/phplugins

Thanks Rod, I received the email

Problem:  I installed your file into /backlight/custom/phplugins/.  When I go to my DarkStarterPage --->Advanced Setup --->PHPlugins --->Include File pull down I don't see the PHP script listed.  I went back and moved all except backlight-with-crumbs.php to a save folder and did the select again which displayed all the plugins from before, excluding backlight-with-crumbs.php.

I cleared cache, chmod 755 and update all albums but that didn't fix anything.  Any ideas? I have your file installed on my test site.

#22 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Breadcrumbs in BL2 non-gallery pages » 2018-09-18 07:00:35

Ok folks I almost give up.  Would it be too much to actually give me the contents of the whole file the way it's supposed to look like.  The only file I have in my custom  is okapi sample and that didn't work for work either.  I feel I'm missing something very basic.

#23 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Breadcrumbs in BL2 non-gallery pages » 2018-09-18 05:27:03

I'm alittle fuzzy on which custom php file to copy/modify so I tried  phplugins-pangolin-sample.php and old backlight.php files.  I inserted the following code to the bottom of each which still does not produce breadcrumbs on non-gallery pages. What am I missing??

 function ttg_crumb( $page_name ) {
	echo '<ul class="breadcrumbs"><li class="fa_pseudo" itemscope itemtype=""><a href="/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">Home</span></a></li><li class="fa_pseudo" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="title">'. $page_name .'</span></li></ul>';

function main_top(){
	// Add breadcrumbs to non-gallery pages
	if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'about') {
	} else if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'mycontact') {
	} else if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'rssfeeds') {
	} else if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'sitenews') {
		$this->ttg_crumb('Site News');
	} else if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'websearch') {
		$this->ttg_crumb('Web Search');
	} else if (strtolower($this->slug) == 'search') {

#24 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Breadcrumbs in BL2 non-gallery pages » 2018-09-18 01:21:17

Ben, the snippet you posted fails with error " Something went wrong Unexpected error: syntax error, unexpected 'Contact' (T_STRING) in Myphplugins.php on line 528 Please report error at"

#25 Backlight 2 Support » Breadcrumbs in BL2 non-gallery pages » 2018-09-17 07:25:03

Replies: 11

REF … hp?id=8430

Daniel Leu, this broke in our BL2 upgrade.  I read your 'sticky' in BL2 Support  but don't know enough about PHP to get it to work in BL2 without hammering my sites.  Can you help?

Tom Szewczuk

I've restored the old custom PHP back

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