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#2 Backlight 2 Support » Migrating from Mac to Windows 10 » 2019-04-21 14:12:45

Replies: 2

I'm moving to Windows 10 after 25 years on Mac - I can't login to download any software (can't find any old emails with download links on them & password reset doesn't seem to want to send me anything). How do I download publisher?

#3 Re: Backlight 2 Support » API Error from LightRoom » 2018-09-13 08:44:43

Found how to reveal, found the right file, copied it over & authentication works... I assume gallery creation etc will work as well smile Thanks for your help - much appreciated!

#4 Re: Backlight 2 Support » API Error from LightRoom » 2018-09-13 08:33:36

OK, understood. I can see . files on the server, but maybe I can't see them in the Finder on the Mac. I have sent you ftp access, but I'll look into how I can see .files on the Mac as well.

#5 Re: Backlight 2 Support » API Error from LightRoom » 2018-09-13 07:43:32

No, you misunderstand. I can see the files starting with a period. But the situation is exactly as I described...

#6 Re: Backlight 2 Support » API Error from LightRoom » 2018-09-13 06:04:03

There is only one file: htaccess (not .htaccess) in the extracted installer folder - it's inside the skeleton folder. There is no .htaccess in the backlight folder on the server. There are different .htaccess files in different sub-folders of the backlight folder on the server...?

#7 Backlight 2 Support » API Error from LightRoom » 2018-09-12 21:21:53

Replies: 10

Upgraded from Backlight 1 to 2, followed upgrade instructions. Installed new LR plugin. Check authentication of API URL & get the message: "It appears that the API URL does not point to the publisher API. Ensure that the URL finishes with 'publisher/'."
I changed nothing from Backlight 1 which worked fine & the URL is exactly right, ending with 'publisher/'. However, as per instructions, I removed the publisher directory from within the backlight directory while installing version 2, so now there is no publisher directory in the backlight folder at all... is this correct & how do I fix?

#8 Re: CE4 Publisher » LightRoom Error » 2015-08-08 13:24:31

Deleted re-created & re-published the same gallery from scratch with 2.3.1 with no problems...

#9 Re: CE4 Publisher » LightRoom Error » 2015-08-07 20:38:24

380 & I think there were about 52 left when I got the message multiple times...
I've just updated (so can't repeat) but I'll let you know if I get a similar error

#10 Re: CE4 Publisher » LightRoom Error » 2015-08-07 13:00:33

Thanks Ben. I was publishing just one gallery. When I get a chance to update I'll see if the problem goes away.

#11 CE4 Publisher » LightRoom Error » 2015-08-07 10:54:51

Replies: 6

While publishing a gallery (large one) I get almost continuous error messages pop up. I click ok & it appears to carry on publishing. I've yet to examine the gallery in details to see if it missed anything or if anything is wrong, but I wondered if someone had a simple answer to what was happening?

An internal error has occurred
MetadataHandler.lua:2155: C stack overflow

using v2.3

#13 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Email Response Link to Single File » 2015-06-18 08:49:55

Replies: 2

In the email that is sent to the client (& vendor) once they have made their selections, each individual filename is a link, presumably back to view that individual file. However, it only ever produces an error. Does it work, or is this a bug?

#14 CE4 Client Response Gallery » CE4 Identity » 2015-06-18 06:12:49

Replies: 1

With CE3, I can link my graphic identity plate to my URL (which is not the same as the site root under Website). With CE4, I can't? This means that the galleries can only be used related to complete websites created by ttg...
Please change this, or tell me what I am missing?

#15 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Mobile Friendly » 2015-06-15 15:46:11

I'll have a look at Stage & PHPlugins when I get a moment - thanks Matthew

#16 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Mobile Friendly » 2015-06-15 14:53:40

Any plans to allow video to be included in galleries? Given the direction a lot of us photographers are going in, it would be awesome to include video as well as still images in a show gallery... smile

#17 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Mobile Friendly » 2015-06-15 07:08:56

thanks Rod, appreciate that.
With CRG, there are no caption & heading options under Magnific Popup... hence my original issue.
There are with Gallery & once I downloaded & used that I did make sure they were unchecked.
I hadn't thought of deleting the publisher metadata outlets, but have done that now, thanks.

Happy with how it's working now - many thanks!

#18 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Mobile Friendly » 2015-06-14 15:20:58

Rod, on CE4 CRG, the Image Info controls have no effect on the mobile display. I could use custom CSS, but using the same colour is effective.
Matthew, I wouldn't know where to start using PHP. I have downloaded CE4 Gallery to give me the mobile "touch" presentation & it is generally functioning ok. I have a few quibbles, but they are nothing to do with frames as it appears to be identical in a frame as well as in its own window. I've only tested it in Safari on a Mac & on iOS at the moment
I didn't realise I could send you a PM here, so I'll send you a link to the test page so you can see what I've done. I have 2 galleries on the page, one with the Publisher output set to 20 images (as there are more it give me the pagination bar) & one set to more than there are so it is cleaner.

#19 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Mobile Friendly » 2015-06-14 09:21:37

I've sorted a workaround to the metadata appearing, by making the caption colour the same as the background...
Now, it's just the autoplay to resolve?

#20 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Mobile Friendly » 2015-06-14 09:15:59

Thanks Rod.
Resizing properly to a smaller screen was what CE3 didn't do. CE4 CRG does.
The titles I'm referring to are drawn from the Title & Caption metadata fields of the image. I use them elsewhere so the data need to exist, but I don't want it showing on the mobile display.
Frames are not the issue. I have the same data appearing & non autoplay problems without any frames.
If Swipe is available in Gallery, great. Are autoplay & restriction of data presentation on mobile available also?

Happy to share a link to what I'm talking about, but only privately as this is an early stage beta web-site... You can let me know where to send a link to - - as long as you keep it private.

#22 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Mobile Friendly » 2015-06-13 19:43:38

Replies: 13

I am in the process of doing a massive reworking of several of my websites into one big e-commerce site. As a big fan of ttg for quite a number of years now, I did not want to use different slideshow tools. Also, using ttg & embedding the galleries on different pages of my site allows me the opportunity to control all the galleries directly from LR.
So, for this purpose (and I use ttg client response more fully on client pages) I simply needed to strip everything right back & create a template that produced galleries that worked in frames on different pages on my site. I was using CE3 & I made it work happily until I discovered that CE3 was not mobile-friendly at all.
So, I've just upgraded to CE4 (relatively painlessly thanks to the video!) as it was mobile friendly. However, I've just discovered the limitations. There appears to be no way to control how the mobile version appears. For me, at the moment, I specifically need to get rid of the titles that appear (they are not on the template & don't appear on any other platform). It would also be nice to swipe the images on screen, but I can find no way to do that. Would I be able to control both of these with Gallery? If so, I'll download & use it straight away. Mobile use is so vital now, it's a bit of a deal breaker, this one...
I use Publisher to push the galleries to my site & the latest version is fabulous! (no question there, just thought I'd put that plug in...)

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