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#2 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Recovering my Client Area credentials » 2018-08-27 21:16:05

Replies: 2

I am trying to redownload my CRG files ( as indicated in the forum for 1st step ), but I´ve tried to recover my password for both and without success. The UI says an email has been sent, but I didn´t received it. Even after checked for SPAM folder.

I do have my TTG order numbers, but am not being able to get to the page where I would use them do redownload the product.


Paulo Tebet

#3 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How to setup an Album Thumbnail? » 2017-02-07 10:09:15

Activating the Social Media Sharing with the Open Graph Protocol did the trick. Now when I post the CRG url in facebook, it shows the fist image of the grid, not the Album Thumbnail, what is fine. I don´t have to do the work of defining the album thumbnail....

I just wanted to have an image when I post the CRG in messenger or someone shares it on facebook.

Problem solved!


#4 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How to setup an Album Thumbnail? » 2017-02-07 07:16:32

Thanks Rod, I´ve tried to use the following url for the image thumbnail: … ulo-SP.jpg

The gallery I am testing is here

User: Carol
Password: Gui

When I paste the url for the CRG in facebook messenger, for example, no thumbnail is shown for the album....

Can you check the CRG code to make sure the thumbnail image is correctly defined?


Paulo Tebet

#5 CE4 Client Response Gallery » How to setup an Album Thumbnail? » 2017-02-06 19:30:28

Replies: 4

On the Album Info Section, there is a field for Album Thumbnail, that looks like a free text field.

How can I define an image to be used as the Album Thumbnail in this fied?

Is it defined at LR plugin or in the Back End ?


Paulo Tebet

#6 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Having an image for url posted on facebook messenger. » 2017-01-12 01:00:55

Replies: 1

When I post my CRG url on a facebook message, it is converted to top blank image followed by the Title ( form Gallery fields ) and a description ( an excerpt from the Gallery Block), followed by my domain name.

What needs to be done to have some image displayed on the post / message ?


Paulo Tebet

#7 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Features Requests » 2016-12-29 04:17:51

It would be nice if we could have Select All / Unselect ALL along side with Pages navigation menu:

Select All / Unselect All  1  2  3 Previous  Next

Of further tests I realize that the Unselect All works and turn the selected images ( even those selected from other pages ) to Zero.

#8 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Features Requests » 2016-12-29 04:10:37

I only now realize that the Select All, that only appears in the first page, doesn´t select ALL the images in the gallery, but rather ALL the images in the Page 1

From my tests the Block of text with instructions only shows up in the first page ( which makes sense ), since the Select ALL is only selecting ALL the images in the first page, is there a way to force the instructions to show up on every page, this way user could be able to SELECT ALL on every page....


Paulo Tebet

#10 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Images not loading, incomplete UI » 2016-11-11 01:17:06

Replies: 2

I have published a new CRG to this url

On a computer the UI doesn´t load completely and no image is shown.

On an iPad the UI doesn´t load completely, but at least 1 image loads. If I load that image, then I can browse the full gallery and make the selections.

On iPhone the UI doesn´t load completely and no image is displayed...

Please help!!


Paulo Tebet

#11 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Access to my account » 2016-01-12 00:43:24

Replies: 2

I have rebuild my computer and I am not being able to login to TTG main site to get info about my purchases. I need the latest files to configure CRG both server and LR plugins.

I've tried to recover my password but none of the emails that I probably used is working.

I've tried

How can I gain access to my account again??


Paulo Tebet

#13 CE4 Client Response Gallery » CRG & Cart » 2015-10-30 07:52:22

Replies: 2

Is there some sort of integration between CRG & Cart?

Can I create a CRG and give the customer the option to buy some sort of prints / Canvas?

I would like to give them the option to select the images and then the "products", sizes and quantity like:

Picture A, 6 x 10 prints, 3 units.  Paypal payment would be nice to have.


Paulo Tebet

#14 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Is it possible to use a token in the Block or Sidebar copy? » 2015-10-13 12:32:51

OK. Thanks anyway.

I can live with that ;-)

I can type the Name of the Customer in the Custom block when defining the Álbum. It is just that I try to make my workflow the most efective possible. A few second here and there may ended up saving a couple of minutes per shoot.



#15 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Is it possible to use a token in the Block or Sidebar copy? » 2015-10-13 07:05:18

Replies: 3

I have publisher configured and I can publish new CRG albums with extra info that is added before the regular Block and Sidebar copy and it is working just fine.

I would like to use tokens inside by LR Template Catalog, this way I would not have to change anything on the Publisher Setup to include the name of the customer.

I tried to include [CLIENT_NAME] in the copy, but even though I was logged in when I access the gallery , it shows as regular text instead of the name of the client....


Paulo Tebet

#17 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Customizing Customer Albums Available page » 2015-10-13 01:25:48

Just found it!

The "i" tooltip gives the instruction to export a CRG-Galery and then upload it to the ttg-be/templates/gallery

#18 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Customizing Customer Albums Available page » 2015-10-13 01:23:08

Thanks Rod.

I've chosen the "CRG-Template" instead of the "CRG-default" and I am getting what I need.

I could not find where would I go in order to create new templates to be used in this page...

Can new templates be crated?


Paulo Tebet

#20 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Customizing Customer Albums Available page » 2015-10-13 00:03:38

Replies: 3

I am trying to see all the options I have with CE4-CRG and CE4-Publisher.

Knowing that I can define the users and assign them albums, I would like to be able to customize this page:

All I need it's the bare content. All the lay-out and site navigation will come from my site. Like I did with the CRG Gallery that can be seen in here: … -set-2015/

Print screen (in case the above url is not available)

Where can I control the layout of that album list page?


Paulo Tebet

#21 CE4 Client Response Gallery » CE4 Full Screen Lightbox & WordPress » 2015-10-12 23:37:32

Replies: 2

The more I dig on this product the more I got blown away. It is fantastic!

I have recently discovered the functionality of CE4 Publisher that allows me to use Publish Services from within LR and speed up things and organize them with Colection Sets and Smart Collections publishing the Proof (CE4 CRG) with even Private area support for the customer. Awsome!

I realize that there are some CE4 modules specially built to create web galleries in a very effective way and with lots of features like full screen light box that is one of my required feature to by website.

The problem is that I have some much more requirements specifics to my website that includes:

All my images needs to be organised in a particular way inside my site. Because of this I have never picked up a WP gallery plugin to upload my images, because they either want to upload to the regular wp-contents/uploads or to some custom gallery specific folder. From my initial tests, it looks like CE4 operates somehow in the same way. Even though I can select a custom folder for each gallery to be exported (via Publishing Services) the folders would have a bunch of other stuff inside them.

Right now, I have a way of adding some metadata to each image making to which class of images would them be uploaded to. For example:  wedding, pre-wedding, post-wedding.
This way, using some smart collection logic and FTP publishing services I can have a whole shoot uploading different images to different places inside my website like this;


So my premisses to create image galleries inside WordPress is to be able to use images already in the WordPress/Media Library ( I have managed to make my custom ftp upload to show up in WP Media Library).

My big issue has been with the Lightbox. right now I am using NextGen Gallery (free edition ) plus the Next Gen Plus Gallery (paid Plugin) just to have access to one of their lightbox that gives me the ability to use the Full Screen Lightbox as show in here … y/6424/543  (

So basically I have to have 2 very heavy plugins on my site ( NextGen + Next Gen Plus) with tons of features that I don't use just to be able to use their "Full Screen Lightbox" on regular WordPress Images from WordPress Media Library.....

Now the real question:

I've seen that CE4 does have a Full Screen Light box that would suit my needs. The "problem" is that is not a WordPress Plugin. I understand that the scope of CE4 modules is way bigger that then just WordPress and can be used to create amazing Images Galleries with stunning Lightbox.

For me the issue is that the only thing I need is a WordPress Full Screen Light box that can be used on regular WP Media Library images.

Is there any change of getting just the Full Screen Lightbox functionality working inside a WordPress site??

Because of my very unique needs I believe that CE4 Autoindex, CE4 Gallery would not be useful.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

If I could not find a better way I will have to keep using an AK-47 plus a Magnum 44 to kill a fly.... (hope it translates... ;-) )


Paulo Tebet

#22 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Features Requests » 2015-10-12 23:13:05

Thanks Ben and Rod for the hints on Select All and Select None, that improved a lot the usability of the tool. I have already implemented it.


#23 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Features Requests » 2015-10-11 02:22:14

Replies: 9

Not sure if this is the right place to submit feature request, if not please direct me to the proper place.

First of all let me tell how much I appreciate this plugin. After seen a lot of possible candidates for Proof Galleries, TTG-CRG is by far the best one and it is the one I have selected to be part of my workflow.

Just because I have been using it so much and have coming from the IT Software industry I came out with a few ideas I would like to present to see if they make sense and is feasible to be considered for future implementations.


Depending on the number of the pictures submitted to customer and how inclined are them to Select or Reject the images, we need a way to indicate this. On a wedding shooting with 100s (some photographer will have 1000s) of images, I believe it will be easier for the client to only select the rejects (hopefully a minority of the images) instead of selecting the Keepers (hopefully the majority of the images).

I though on some ways of implementing this:

1a) We can just tell them in the Block to let us know when submitting the images on the Comments field if the selections are Keepers or Rejects.

1b) If we could change (add) fields to the submission form that would be very good. I could include a Radio Button options with "Selected images are Keepers" and "Selected images are Rejects" and this field would be mandatory. This way there is no chance of miscommunication

1c) The best solution in my opinion would be on the Full Viewer to have icons on the status bar indicating which type of selections are being made. As a suggestion the icons could be controlled with keystrokes like in Lightroom  P (Pick), U (unpick), R (Reject)


One of my objectives in my business it to provide the best experience possible for the customer. Trying to offer the best they can need in a faster way possible. In my opinion the fastest way user could Cull, Select and Rate their images is keyboard base. That's how I do my Culling and Rating for my RAW file in the beginning of my workflow. I use the keyboard arrows key to move forward and back and 1 to 5 for rating the images.

Right now the best scenario I've got was in the Full Viewer interface to use the keyboard arrows key to navigate among the images and letting the mouse pointer just over the Select/Unselect icon. This way customer could just arrow, arrow, click, arrow, click etc...

2a) Allow at least in the Full Viewer the ability to select/unselect an image with a Keystroke.  As already covered in item 1c a better way would be to use P (Pick), U (Unpick), X (Reject) .

2b) I would also suggest that the numbers 1 through 5 would rate the images accordingly, not being necessary to Edit image by image just to rate them.


3a) A combination like Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-0 would allow to toggle the Options without the need of using the Edit icon that would only be used for Annotations. If customer would like to write a note on a particular image for example to crop the image to exclude Aunt Sara from the composition, then the Edit icon would be used.

So in this case we could have:

Ctrl-1  --> Toggle Option  1 ( In my case "Album Cover" )
Ctrl-2  --> Toggle Option  2 ( In my case "Poster" )
Ctrl-3  --> Toggle Option  3 ( In my case "to be used in a video clip" )
Ctrl-4  --> Toggle Option  4 ( In my case "Invitation" )


The filtering system is already implemented because we can now filter based on selection criteria of the images.

4a) I would like to suggest that some sort of filtering mechanism could be provided to filter based on Color Flags and / or Star ratings

4b) Being able to filter based on Option selections would also be useful. The UI could bring the content of Option 1, Option 2 based on the Feedback Profile.


5a) I would like to suggest also that besides the Color Flags set in LR that things like Star Rating, Pick, Unpick, Reject status would also be possible to be imported if so desired.


6a.) Besides Star Ratings, maybe the first "n" option should be available in the thumbnails too. If not overlaid maybe just below the thumbnails.

Best Regards,

Paulo Tebet

#24 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Status bar layout (width size) » 2015-10-10 03:10:18

Replies: 2

How can I control the width of the Status bar?

Right now, my status bar is way wider then it should be.


Wich control in LR setup controls this? I had this working properly before, but after so many changes trying to get it perfect, I may have changed something that is affecting the Status bar width size....


Paulo Tebet

#25 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Not being able to select images on the Gallery » 2015-10-09 21:04:33

Thanks for they replies.

My subdomains are in fact just subdirectories under the same hosting tricked via DNS. -> public_html -> public_html/development -> public_html/staging

I have just copied the whole ttg-be directory from public_html/ttg-be to public_html/development/ttg-be and as fas as I can tell, looks like it is working just fine.

I will still do some more extensive tests, if I discover something is broken I will post here, so others may benefit from this info too.


Paulo Tebet

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