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#1 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Problem after move backlight to a new Server » 2020-01-21 05:26:18

Hi Ben!

I am always excited about the help here. Thanks a lot, these was the problem. Now it works.


#2 Backlight 2 Support » Problem after move backlight to a new Server » 2020-01-21 04:29:21

Replies: 3


I have run Backlight2 in the past on my sevrer and everything was fine. No I install a new Server and move the Backlight installation. I make the following steps:
- Install the webserver
- aktivate letsencrypt for the server
- install a new backlight to look, if everything is ok
- then I copy the old server file to the new server (I remove the test installation before)
- I update the webserver settings  (change from http to https)
- I change the same settings in LR

The result is now, that the Web server is running and works as before.

But If I try up update some files via Lightroom, I receive the folloing error (sorry for german)
error in LR

If I look on the webserver into the backlight log files I see these:

[20-Jan-2020 18:47:33] TRACE: decodeEntities before: Array(    [id] => 94801    [source] => lightroom    [publisher_root_id] => 1    [parent_id] =>     [type] => album    [slug] => homepage    [breadcrumb] =>     [title] => homepage    [description] =>     [template] => 46    [page_copy] =>     [page_copy_placement] => above    [sidebar_copy] =>     [sidebar_copy_placement] => above    [tray2_copy] =>     [tray2_copy_placement] => above    [enable_video] => no    [video_id] =>     [cover_image] =>     [items_per_page] => 2    [enable_maps] => no    [enable_password] => no    [username] =>     [password] => enc_75524c9be060dbf2d7fbc2db35bddac7    [enable_cart] => no    [pricing_scheme] =>     [enable_crg] => no    [crg_feedback_profile_id] =>     [crg_client_mode] =>     [visibility] => public    [ordering] => lightroom    [has_user_order] => yes    [hide_from_autoindex] => no    [hide_from_search] => no    [show_breadcrumbs] => yes    [needs_first_visit] => no    [created] => 2016-12-22 18:32:18    [modified] => 2018-12-29 15:09:45    [top_level_gallery_directory] => homepage    [top_level_gallery_path] =>     [top_level_gallery_title] => Homepage    [show_breadcrumb_for_children] => no)
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:33] TRACE: decodeEntities after: Array(    [id] => 94801    [source] => lightroom    [publisher_root_id] => 1    [parent_id] =>     [type] => album    [slug] => homepage    [breadcrumb] =>     [title] => homepage    [description] =>     [template] => 46    [page_copy] =>     [page_copy_placement] => above    [sidebar_copy] =>     [sidebar_copy_placement] => above    [tray2_copy] =>     [tray2_copy_placement] => above    [enable_video] => no    [video_id] =>     [cover_image] =>     [items_per_page] => 2    [enable_maps] => no    [enable_password] => no    [username] =>     [password] => enc_75524c9be060dbf2d7fbc2db35bddac7    [enable_cart] => no    [pricing_scheme] =>     [enable_crg] => no    [crg_feedback_profile_id] =>     [crg_client_mode] =>     [visibility] => public    [ordering] => lightroom    [has_user_order] => yes    [hide_from_autoindex] => no    [hide_from_search] => no    [show_breadcrumbs] => yes    [needs_first_visit] => no    [created] => 2016-12-22 18:32:18    [modified] => 2018-12-29 15:09:45    [top_level_gallery_directory] => homepage    [top_level_gallery_path] =>     [top_level_gallery_title] => Homepage    [show_breadcrumb_for_children] => no)
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:33] TRACE: returning: {"album":{"id":"94801","source":"lightroom","publisher_root_id":"1","parent_id":"","type":"album","slug":"homepage","breadcrumb":"","title":"homepage","description":"","template":"46","page_copy":"","page_copy_placement":"above","sidebar_copy":"","sidebar_copy_placement":"above","tray2_copy":"","tray2_copy_placement":"above","enable_video":"no","video_id":"","cover_image":"","items_per_page":"2","enable_maps":"no","enable_password":"no","username":"","password":"enc_75524c9be060dbf2d7fbc2db35bddac7","enable_cart":"no","pricing_scheme":"","enable_crg":"no","crg_feedback_profile_id":"","crg_client_mode":"","visibility":"public","ordering":"lightroom","has_user_order":"yes","hide_from_autoindex":"no","hide_from_search":"no","show_breadcrumbs":"yes","needs_first_visit":"no","created":"2016-12-22 18:32:18","modified":"2018-12-29 15:09:45","top_level_gallery_directory":"homepage","top_level_gallery_path":"","top_level_gallery_title":"Homepage","show_breadcrumb_for_children":"no"},"setup":{"itemsPerPage":"100","passwordEnabled":"yes","renditions":{"rendition":[{"maxHeight":"960","maxWidth":"1440","renditionPath":"photos","resizeType":"wh","quality":0.69,"colorSpace":"sRGB","sharpening":"on","sharpeningMedia":"screen","sharpeningLevel":2},{"maxHeight":"192","maxWidth":"192","renditionPath":"thumbnails","resizeType":"wh","quality":0.69}]},"outlets":{"outlet":[{"name":"photo_title","value":"{Title}"},{"name":"photo_caption","value":"{DD}.{MM}.{YYYY} {HH}:{MIN}:{SS} - {Exposure} - {FocalLengthMM} - ISO{ISO} - {Lens} - {Filename}"}]}},"thumbnails":[{"value":"thumbnails\/20101016_2467.jpg","title":"20101016_2467.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20111002_8448.jpg","title":"20111002_8448.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20111013_9043.jpg","title":"20111013_9043.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20120305_5161.jpg","title":"20120305_5161.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20120516_8176.jpg","title":"20120516_8176.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20120909_4247.jpg","title":"20120909_4247.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20130211_6845.jpg","title":"20130211_6845.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20130214_7612.jpg","title":"20130214_7612.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20130720_1543.jpg","title":"20130720_1543.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20130721_1558_HDR.jpg","title":"20130721_1558_HDR.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20130908_1348_7d.jpg","title":"20130908_1348_7d.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20130923_4899.jpg","title":"20130923_4899.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20140503_1273_v1.jpg","title":"20140503_1273_v1.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20140511_1467.jpg","title":"20140511_1467.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20140515_2005.jpg","title":"20140515_2005.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20140516_2122_HDR.jpg","title":"20140516_2122_HDR.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20140519_2341.jpg","title":"20140519_2341.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20140820_4664.jpg","title":"20140820_4664.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20141014_5975_v1.jpg","title":"20141014_5975_v1.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20150118_7441.jpg","title":"20150118_7441.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20150125_7576.jpg","title":"20150125_7576.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20150403_1262.jpg","title":"20150403_1262.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20150404_1433.jpg","title":"20150404_1433.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20150406_2079.jpg","title":"20150406_2079.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20150408_2451.jpg","title":"20150408_2451.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20151024_0952.jpg","title":"20151024_0952.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160109_1807.jpg","title":"20160109_1807.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160328_3215.jpg","title":"20160328_3215.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160424_01033.jpg","title":"20160424_01033.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160424_3879.jpg","title":"20160424_3879.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160429_4900-HDR.jpg","title":"20160429_4900-HDR.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160429_4905-HDR.jpg","title":"20160429_4905-HDR.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160502_5527.jpg","title":"20160502_5527.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160511_01831.jpg","title":"20160511_01831.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160511_6783.jpg","title":"20160511_6783.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160517_7825.jpg","title":"20160517_7825.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160517_7856.jpg","title":"20160517_7856.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160517_7880.jpg","title":"20160517_7880.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160518_7930.jpg","title":"20160518_7930.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160903_0361_7dII.jpg","title":"20160903_0361_7dII.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20160918_1772.jpg","title":"20160918_1772.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20161028_2385.jpg","title":"20161028_2385.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20161101_2964.jpg","title":"20161101_2964.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20170106_0685.jpg","title":"20170106_0685.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20170219_1526.jpg","title":"20170219_1526.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20170227_2841.jpg","title":"20170227_2841.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20170227_2946.jpg","title":"20170227_2946.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20170302_3601.jpg","title":"20170302_3601.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20170302_3612.jpg","title":"20170302_3612.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20170302_3794.jpg","title":"20170302_3794.jpg"},{"value":"thumbnails\/20171115_6437_5dIV.jpg","title":"20171115_6437_5dIV.jpg"}],"status":"success","version":"4.0.0"}
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: path: /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/homepage||/homepage
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: fileSize: 338026
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: photoId: 94801_60572
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: existingPhotoId: 94801_60572
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: filename: 20140820_4664.jpg
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: $isVirtualCopy: 
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: $_FILES destFilename: 20140820_4664.jpg
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: Final destFilename: 20140820_4664.jpg
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] TRACE: $requiredRotation0
[20-Jan-2020 18:47:35] ERROR: Call to undefined function ImageCreateFromjpeg()|#0 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-publisher/application/helpers/ImageResizer.php(36): ImageResizer->createImageSource()#1 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-publisher/application/delegates/PublisherDelegate.php(829): ImageResizer->__construct('/tmp/phpt496Gb')#2 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-publisher/application/delegates/PublisherDelegate.php(578): PublisherDelegate->moveImageFiles(Array, Array, Array, '/srv/www/vhosts...', '20140820_4664.j...', false)#3 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-publisher/application/controllers/ApiController.php(455): PublisherDelegate->uploadRendition(94801, Array)#4 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-framework/controllers/Controller.php(56): ApiController->uploadRendition()#5 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-framework/models/Dispatchable.php(136): Controller->dispatch(Array)#6 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-framework/Framework.php(73): Dispatchable->dispatch()#7 /srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/index.php(32): Framework->route()#8 {main}|URL: /backlight/index.php

What is the Problem, what shall I forgot furing the installation (maybe a php module?) and how can I fix it.
What I also see in LR is, that the link to the borwser (library view, on the top right) the link is to the old adress, which I enter as lokal address like But these is not working for the https access and I change the setting in LR in the plugin and the API check works fine then.

Some server SW Infos:
- Centos 81
- Apache 2.4
- PHP Version 7.2.11
- Backlight version: 2.0.13
- all Backlight modules are updated
- LR Plugin
the installed php modules (liste by blacklight, sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite are listed bold)

Installed PHP Modules:

Thanks for help, I hope the problem can be fixed. Otherwise I must create a new website and export all the football pictures again (~80000 pics).

#3 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Masthead - Side Titel don't scroll » 2019-03-10 00:41:07

Sorry for the late answer.

Thanks for the test site. At the end it was of deactivation the Breadcrumbs in the LR setting (sometimes) and the Setting in the page setup (Padding-Top for the Breadcrumbs was to small).
Thanks again for the excellten support!

Is this normal, that in a Album-Set and if no Breadcrumbs is active and not Text content, the pictures are start in the Top navigation bar. Ist the Breadcrumbs are acitve and/or the a Text content in there, then it's fine. And I can't fine a setting, where I can enter a padding, which is indepent from the Breadcrumbs.

#4 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Masthead - Side Titel don't scroll » 2019-03-04 05:54:20

Ah, to fast.

If I set
Navigation > Horizontal Navigation > Location: Top Pallet

the Location/Navigation (I don't know the correct name) line is away. On this menu there is the line: … e-picturs/

I mean the Line "Football-Football 2018-GFL Team 2018-Universe vs Rebels GFL-game picturs". Is there a other point where these can be activated again?

#6 Backlight 2 Support » Masthead - Side Titel don't scroll » 2019-03-03 22:40:45

Replies: 7


I have a funny effect on my side, when I have a lot of pictures on on side and I try to scroll down. The Left side of the Masthead/Navigation is scroll up like expected. But the rigth side, where I will display the "COMPANY_NAME" is not scrolling. It's every time on the right upper corner displayed and overwrite the Thumbnail pictures. Is this a correct effect or have I something set wrong?

Example is this side: … rn-lights/


#7 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Backlight2 install - side is brocken no top menu » 2018-12-28 09:53:03

That was it. Thanks a lot!
Now I must think about, why I switch these off in the past.

#8 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Backlight2 install - side is brocken no top menu » 2018-12-28 09:04:43

All files are in the document root for the server, which is running on I use different ports for differnt virtual server, so the tests/settings are independent form the running system.

I wonder if your site url is the problem. What have you entered for your site url in Backlight settings? (it's the :8888) that is puzzling me.

Site URL is:

I check it again. Also check, if on the server without a port number a request was received. Nothing is seen on the other servers.

eMail with login data was send to Ben


#9 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Backlight2 install - side is brocken no top menu » 2018-12-28 06:52:16

All files from the installer folder are copy and are in the root folder for the server. Funny thing, if I activate the old test-files in these location (rename the webserver root) I see a menu from Backlight1. So I think the Serversettings are ok.
I found also no errors in the logfile. The only entry in the server log is this:

[Thu Dec 27 22:32:16 2018] [error] File does not exist: /..../htdocs/backlight/publisher, referer:

If I create a publisher folder in the backlight folder, the next level is the error.

[Thu Dec 27 22:42:19 2018] [error] File does not exist: /../htdocs/backlight/publisher/gallery, referer:

The Backlight logs shows also no error

#10 Backlight 2 Support » Backlight2 install - side is brocken no top menu » 2018-12-28 03:07:10

Replies: 6


I try something with the BL2 migration, at first on a test-server. I see some problems and at first, I would create a mail with all these problmes. But then I create a new blank installation on the server with a new Backlight2 Installation. And here I see the same main problem. The layout is brocken. I also see these request if I open the homepage: … et/style/6

But a publisher folder is not there (but in Backlight1?). On the Server is PHP Version 5.6.38 running. I try also the debug mode in firefox, but I see no general error. Also on the webserver is not error like "file not found" or "no access to" to seen in the log file.

What is my general failure? The website is open for tests.

Thanks for help

#11 Re: Backlight Support » Pangolin Galleria on Samsung mobile devices » 2018-02-10 22:09:49

Hi Matthew!

Thanks for your answer.

Matthew wrote:

Now, I don't expect you to read into the underlying code to find this for yourself. I'm just pointing it out to suggest that if the full-screen button isn't working, then it's likely not a problem with Galleria, and more likely a problem of the browser not supporting or having native full-screen methods, or at least not those "standard" methods used by the Galleria library.

I see this during tests on my mobild devices and it was new for my, that the browser have here also a setting to switch fullscreen mode on and off.
If I use firefox on the mobiel devises fullscreen works fine.


#12 Backlight Support » Pangolin Galleria on Samsung mobile devices » 2018-02-05 04:18:59

Replies: 2


I make some test with the new Pangolin Galleria and during these I see the following problem. The fullscreen Icon ist not working on Samsug mobile devices, better the chorme browser on Samsung mobile devices. I check it with a Samsung S7 mobile and a old Samsung Tab S. If I use the Samsung browser on the Tab the fullscreen button works fine. All other buttons are working also fine.
Have someone else seen these behavior or have a too fat fingers? (but with the samsung browser I can hit the button.


#13 Re: Backlight Support » Template export - php error » 2018-02-05 03:48:05

The php56w* comes from the repo webtatic.

yum repolist
Geladene Plugins: fastestmirror, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* epel:
* extras:
* updates:
* webtatic:
Repo-ID               Repo-Name:                                                                                       Status
base                    CentOS-6 - Base                                                                                   6.706
epel                     Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - x86_64                                      12.448
extras                   CentOS-6 - Extras                                                                                47
updates                CentOS-6 - Updates                                                                             945
webtatic               Webtatic Repository EL6 - x86_64                                                         194
repolist: 20.340

#14 Re: Backlight Support » Template export - php error » 2018-02-01 04:05:11

Hi Ben!

Yes, I manage the server by myself. php version is now 5.6.


#15 Re: Backlight Support » Template export - php error » 2018-01-28 19:36:28

Thanks a lot for the quick support. And also for the info about the php version. In the past I think, the centos update will update php if it run out of support. My mistakte. System is now on php 5.6.32. php7 will come if I must upgrade the server to centos7


#17 Re: Backlight Support » Template export - php error » 2018-01-28 03:20:13

>You’re exporting templates from the old site (current server), correct?

Yes, but the same error is seen on the new server

>Does this happen with all exports?


>And are all of these Backlight 1.2.3 (Pangolin) templates or are any of these from Backlight 1.1 (Okapi)?

I try it with both templates, same result.

>If an album template, what type of album?

I try these:


#18 Backlight Support » Template export - php error » 2018-01-28 02:57:15

Replies: 11


For tests I try to copy my current running server. I make a clean new backlite installation (TTG Backlight version: 1.2.3 Rel4) on a different web server and thish works fine. Then I try to export the templates via "BacklightDesignerTemplatesBacklight Standard PageExport" but it not works. On the server I found these error message:

[Sat Jan 27 18:38:24 2018] [error] [client x.x.x.x] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function mb_strlen() in /xx/xx/xx/x/backlight/designer/application/models/TemplateEntity.php on line 384, referer: … =1&p2=view

In the file TemplateEntity.php are these line:

                // change, added quotes to allow spaces in filenames, by Rajkumar Singh
                header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'";' );
                header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
                header('Content-Length: '.mb_strlen($encoded, '8bit'));

If I remove the last line the export works fine.
The installed php version on the server is PHP Version 5.3.3

Is this problem only on my server or have anybody else these problem?


#19 Re: Backlight Support » Backlight slow down after adding a lot's of album sets & albums » 2016-12-30 22:48:43

Matthew wrote:

Visiting your site, I'm finding nothing out of the ordinary. Your home page and galleries are loading as I would expect.

Hm, maybe I describe it wrong

Matthew wrote:

Lovely landscapes, by the way.

Ben wrote:

Lovely photos!


Ben wrote:

I've run a test on your site to check for database performance, and it seems to be running well, so that is not an issue.
FYI, the link to check that is  The result that indicates the speed is the line "".  I'm seeing 60 milliseconds, which is fast.

Ah, great check and I see, what I describe wrong. Both side have the same layout, side on port 8888 is fast and the normal webpage slow. Only the number of include pictures, albums and album sets are different. With the commandline I check it and see these:

Testside, same layout, less albums I measure this:

time taken to query Publisher1: 64.126968383789 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslartest_port8888/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-theater/engine.xml): 4.0738582611084 milliseconds
time taken to query Publisher2: 74.930906295776 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslartest_port8888/htdocs/backlight/modules/standard-page/engine.xml): 7.4398517608643 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslartest_port8888/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-theater/engine.xml): 4.2159557342529 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslartest_port8888/htdocs/backlight/modules/standard-page/engine.xml): 7.2939395904541 milliseconds
time taken to generate template: 23.215055465698 milliseconds
connectionKey: designer/master.sq3
Christian Goßlar 8888

Normal side, a lot of album sets and albums

time taken to query Publisher1: 1776.4070034027 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-theater/engine.xml): 4.0860176086426 milliseconds
time taken to query Publisher2: 1787.232875824 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/standard-page/engine.xml): 7.2870254516602 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/module-theater/engine.xml): 4.0709972381592 milliseconds
time taken to parse XML (/srv/www/vhosts/gosslar_homedns_org/htdocs/backlight/modules/standard-page/engine.xml): 7.2901248931885 milliseconds
time taken to generate template: 22.547960281372 milliseconds
connectionKey: designer/master.sq3
Christian Goßlar

time taken to query Publisher1: 64.126968383789 milliseconds    <<< testside, some albums
time taken to query Publisher1: 1776.4070034027 milliseconds    <<< normal side, a lot of albums

The same time difference I see more the one time in the log. These matchs also with the timing from firebug:

timing for load the testside, the browser wait 0,3 sec for the answer (german "warten")

timing for load the normal side, the browser wait 5,5 sec for the answer (german "warten")

And 5 sec. before the first picture is seen is too long I think, especially when the connection is fast, the server also.

#20 Re: Backlight Support » Backlight - home page with Vegas slideshow - wait time before answer » 2016-12-29 23:24:54

Self answer. In think this is a problem of big amount of album sets & albums. I create a new topic for this with more infos … hp?id=7359

#21 Backlight Support » Backlight slow down after adding a lot's of album sets & albums » 2016-12-29 22:27:40

Replies: 3


I have create now me new website and after some trouble wie die response time of the home page I set up a new version with a clean Backlight Installation and create only the needed templates.

The empty testside is avalibel here:

Then I make a copy of all and start to put the full content in the side. Currently I have

normal side:
Album sets: 230
Albums:      438

The testside has:
Album sets: 19
Albums:      37

And I see, that the homepage needs more time to answer. I measure with firebug the following times for the answer of the first get for the homepage            4357ms     368ms

The effect is only seen on the homepage, all other requests on some galleries have the same speed

Both sides are running on the same server, I measure the sames behaviour every time, check it also from different network provider. All times I see the same result. The side with a lot of albums is slow and I think if I add more pictures/albums the spped goes down again.

So my question is, how can I fix it? Or is a workaround avalible (without removing the albums). Is there a logfile, where I can check what is need more time? I found only the logfiles for the publisher and the designer, but not for the running system.

Bay the way. In the apache log files I see, that these file is missing (on both server)


I found only a vegas.min.js file. Have a make something wrong? But I think, this is not the reason for theslow down of the speed, because the file is missing on both server.

Thanks for the help!

#22 Backlight Support » Backlight - home page with Vegas slideshow - wait time before answer » 2016-12-20 02:21:43

Replies: 1


After the great support here I was change my side to backlight (thanks a lot Rod for the help). Now I can fill the images in it.
And all over the answer of the server is fast, loading times are good. The server is a home server. But one thing is mystic. If I call the home page via my homepage url I see with different tools, that after the request the client waits everytime ~7sec. before the first answer is received from the server. I check this in my local network, from different public networks. Every test shows the same, the first answer comes after these big delay.

On the Server I can't see a big server load during this time, cpu is in idle. And after that the single images are send/received fast.

I have the same effect during a installation of a mediwiki system and the reason ther was, that the system try at first a name resolution of the sql server name via IPv6, which times out. After that it try ipv4 and every thing works fine. I have on my machine also only IPv4 and I see, that backlight has a sql(?) database in background. So my question is, where is the local name defined in the backligh settings and can I changed it? I thing localhost like is ok.

Or is this a normal behavior of backlight? But what make backlight during this 7sec?


#24 Re: Backlight Support » drop down menu, lenght of the entry » 2016-12-04 01:45:29

This will hide the second level of the menu on my side.

#25 Re: Backlight Support » drop down menu, lenght of the entry » 2016-12-04 00:59:01

Oh.. yeah. It works, but what I don't see before, it's also the length of the other Menu entrys. So I must be carfull to create the menu entry.

Thanks again for the support!


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