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#1 Re: CE4 Publisher » Albums not working » 2015-03-18 19:07:58

Okay, as i said before i was manually changing the permission to 755, but it was the permission of the folder of the gallery. This is why it was not working. Now I've just discovered that i just need to change the permission of the index.php and mobile.php found in the folder of the album gallery. By default the permission of those file is 644. If i change those files i can fnally see the gallery online withut any 500 error.

What i'm wondering now is if i need to change the permission of the other files in the album folder too. gallery.xml, single.php, download.php .htaccess, autoindex.xml, lib.php

Please tell me what to do. Is there a way to modify something in lightroom in order to export the galleries with 755 permission and not 644?

#2 Re: CE4 Publisher » Albums not working » 2015-03-18 18:38:08

Here is what I've discovered so far.
En error 500 shows up due to a permission problem. I've tried to change it manually to both777 and 755 but it's not working.(I'm not an expert in this so maybe i'm doing something wrong)

I can solve the problem if run a permission repair tool available on my host. It can repair the albums online and everything run smooth.

But the problem repeats for every new album i generate. Everytime i must run the permission repair tool.

Hope to find a definitive solution to the problem and post it here online.

Thanks for the help guys

#3 Re: CE4 Publisher » Albums not working » 2015-03-18 06:05:08

This is my problem:
I've tried for the last few hours to create an album using CE4 publisher and put it online. When I press "PUBLISH" Lightroom starts to publish the album online and it uploads it properly to the server, but when it opens the browser window to show me the album i just get the 500 internal server error

I've created a Publisher instance. The url to that is:
I've entered in the default API key ttg9999.
I've set the top-level galleries folder to galleries
I've clicked the Check Authentication button and everything is working
I'm using Safari Version 8.0.3 (10600.3.18) and Google Chrome Version 41.0.2272.89 (64-bit)

I've send you an email with the logs files + some screenshots to help you better understand the problem

#4 Re: CE4 Publisher » Albums not working » 2015-03-18 03:55:33

Did you solve the problem? Because i have the same one. I have followed all the procedures but at the end i cannot see the galleries, just get an error message. Here is the link:

#5 Re: CE4 Publisher » Cannot log in to publisher » 2015-03-17 07:53:37

Thanks, i've just paid for changing from windows to linux. Hope it will work

#6 Re: CE4 Publisher » Cannot log in to publisher » 2015-03-17 06:36:19

Hello, i also have the same problem. I'm unable to log into, I get a blank web page.  There is no input for user name or password. I've checked my php version and it's PHP 5.2.12.

What can i do? Even if i contact my host which is located in Italy and it's called ARUBA.IT, what should i tell them?

#7 Re: CE4 Gallery » Thumbstrip in Highslide Slideshow » 2015-03-17 02:48:35

Hi Matthew, I really hope you will implement again the thumbstrip to the CE4 gallery, it was a really elegant way to display the photos. I'm really sad and angry that it's not here anymore.
Here is an example of how I'm using it with with the old version of TTG CE

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