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I believe this is the third time this has happened to me, on three different setups of Backlight, hosted at three different webhosters.
Suddenly, without warning or any major reconstruction I am locked out of my site with this error message:
Something went wrong
Unexpected error: Unknown: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/jmtenuj299/.php/php-mail.log) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/jmtenuj299/domains/ in Unknown on line 0
and the request to report this.
Hoster replies to help request: not our business, you cannot operate outside of basedir bla, bla, bla....
On one occasion, the hoster was Strato in Germany, and are notorious for not helping, not admitting anything, after which the sudden death miraculously changes into sudden life. However, this latest error is on a completely different hoster called Versio in The Netherlands.
Any help will be appreciated.
Looks like something like this was already reported in the past and this is Ben's response: … 032#p59032
Daniel Leu | Photography
My digital playground (eg, Backlight tips&tricks):
Yes Daniel, that is very true.
All more of a shame that the same problem unexpectedly keeps coming back and every (!) hosting provider has the same reaction: it's not our fault, contact your software coders. From pillar to post, so forgive if I don't quite see where reporting gets us.
Perhaps there is some else who would actually be able to help? I'm still stuck with a completely unusable piece of software......
That sounds like a misrepresentation of our software. As I wrote in the other topic, the issue is a misconfiguration of your host. Backlight does not attempt to write to that location or that file. You’ll need to push harder with your host’s technical support.
If you Google something along the lines of "php mail log", you'll find that somewhere in a php.ini file your hosting people have enabled mail logging to a location that they won't allow you to write to (smart). You might try searching in your hosting company's help to see what they say about php.ini. On my host (1and1 or ionos or whatever they're calling themselves these days), I can create a php.ini and override some of their settings. Perhaps you can do that and shut off the mail logging or point the log file to somewhere you can write.
^ That’s very helpful.
This entry in your own php.ini file may work:
mail.log = /dev/null
That sends any logging to the null device, effectively making it disappear rather than try to write to a file.
Ah..well...Easter it was... behold, there's cause for celebration of the resurrection
First of all: many thanks for all your feedback.
I've been out for a few days, came back today and found the error miraculously gone - for now
No word from any helpdesk/provider etc.
Since this remains as much a mysterious as a recurring problem, I thought I'd add some more technical information from the PHP-corners of my site/host hoping that you "cracks" might discover some trace of a structural solution.
However, I cannot find a way to upload my screenshots to this forum.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Since this remains as much a mysterious as a recurring problem, I thought I'd add some more technical information from the PHP-corners of my site/host hoping that you "cracks" might discover some trace of a structural solution.
I’m glad that it’s working, but there is no possible structural solution to our code. This error occurs outside of our code before any of it is executed.
Thank you Rod, I saw that, but these are screenshot from my computer, not pictures stored on any of my sites or anywhere else on the net for that matter. Guess that means it is impossible to directly upload anything to the forum......
Thank you Rod, I saw that, but these are screenshot from my computer, not pictures stored on any of my sites or anywhere else on the net for that matter. Guess that means it is impossible to directly upload anything to the forum......
right. You need to provide the location to the image inside the IMG tags.
what I did was create a folder in the root of my site specifically for forum screenshots. I upload all of them to that folder.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Still struggling and struggling, wondering if this client-response-thing will ever work, on any of MY providers, after so many hours and un expected fails.
Can somebody tell me if this PHP.INI suggestion
[[This entry in your own php.ini file may work:
mail.log = /dev/null
That sends any logging to the null device, effectively making it disappear rather than try to write to a file.]]
could also be applied to .htaccess in case users have no access to the PHP.INI ? And if so, what would be the right syntax?
Versio shows how to do define some php.ini values at … php-values. I don't know if it provides an option to add mail.log = /dev/null.
Maybe you can solve this issue with setting the open_basedir to /home/jmtenuj299/.php. Before doing this, I would note the default values for open_basedir shown in Backlight > Special Links > View PHP Info.
Maybe you have to add this path to an existing one, then you would use "existing_paths:/home/jmtenuj299/.php" as the new value for open_basedir.
But your host should definitely be able to help you since this is really a host specific configuration.
Daniel Leu | Photography
My digital playground (eg, Backlight tips&tricks):
Or another option worth to try is to select a different php version. Each php version has its own environment. So maybe there is one that is properly configured.
Daniel Leu | Photography
My digital playground (eg, Backlight tips&tricks):
Daniel, thank you so much for these suggestions.
My provider does indeed not seem to allow changing this file, but only a number of specific settings. Unless there is a way to do this via phpMyAdmin.... It seems however that settings in this file can be overridden by changes made to the .htaccess file, which currectly looks like this:
<FilesMatch "\.(php4|php5|php3|php2|php|phtml)$">
SetHandler application/x-lsphp71
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
# Edit this section for servers using FastCGI
# For FastCGI (or seeing the error message 'No input file specified.':
# add # to the start of the next line
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond $0#%{REQUEST_URI} ([^#]*)#(.*)\1$
# For FastCGI (or seeing the error message 'No input file specified.':
# add # to the start of the next line and remove # from the line after)
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [E=BASE:%2]
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [E=BASE:]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [E=QS:mod_rewrite=on]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^\/]*)-single.php$ %{ENV:BASE}single.php?%{ENV:QS}&id=$1 [QSA,L]
# Attempt to load dynamic resources if file doesn't exist
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^\/.]*)\.(css|js|gif|png|jpg)$ %{ENV:BASE}index.php?%{ENV:QS}&extension=$2&name=$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !mod_rewrite=on
RewriteRule ^mobile.php$ %{ENV:BASE}mobile.php?%{ENV:QS} [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !mod_rewrite=on
RewriteRule ^(.*)download.php %{ENV:BASE}download.php?%{ENV:QS} [QSA,L]
# Address is /
RewriteRule ^$ %{ENV:BASE}index.php?%{ENV:QS} [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{ENV:BASE}index.php?%{ENV:QS}&page=$1 [QSA,L]
# To fix cross-origin font issues for non-Pages users, remove the preceding '#' on the next five lines:
#<IfModule mod_headers.c>
# <FilesMatch "\.(eot|font.css|otf|ttc|ttf|woff)$">
# Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
# </FilesMatch>
Is there any way you can suggest how to change this .htaccess in the direction you meant?
Also, I saw an option in Backlight called phpLiteAdmin, for which I seem to need a special password... would that be of any help?
Backlight's PHP info tells that this about the open_basedir:
open_basedir local (Master has no value)
under mail-log I see this: mail.log /home/jmtenuj299/.php/php-mail.log
As to another PHP-version... I would have no clue which one in the long list to pick, let alone how to know if it has been "properly configured"...
I hope you can help.
According to my quick google search, adding one of the following lines to your /.htaccess file might do the trick:
php_value mail.log /dev/null
php_value mail.log /dev/tmp
Again, this is something that you should take up with your host since your php environment is not properly configured!
Daniel Leu | Photography
My digital playground (eg, Backlight tips&tricks):
Something went wrong
Unexpected error: Unknown: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/jacqujh6/.php/php-mail.log) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/jacqujh6/domains/ in Unknown on line 0
Is also causing me troubles. I'm also at the hosting provider Versio. Above happens at both the website itself as well as trying to upload to it. As well as for both one site on Backlight 2 and on one still on Backlight 1.
Above behavior with the PHP version explicitly set to 7.3.
Moving to 'native PHP' version removes this error on the website (still header does not show); publishing in Lightroom, takes a (short) while (a timeout?) and returns with '... Call to undefined function exif_read_data() ...'.
Running the installed functions in the Backlight admin does not show exif. However, provider states it is installed (shows in a local overview).
Further this is all not stable it may different (correct) tomorrow.... without changing anything in Backlight (installation), and provider states as well that they have not changed anything.
I am confused and lost ?????
Last edited by Diederick (2019-06-15 18:40:57)
The open base dir error is caused by a misconfiguration by your host. Only they can fix it. The exif issue is also caused by the way your host has configured PHP. Specifically, they have disabled the ‘exif’ module. This is standard functionality that they should provide. I suggest taking these issues up with their technical support, and if they can’t or won’t solve it to consider changing hosting companies.
Hi Ben,
Although this will not do Diederick or me any good, given the dreadful support at Versio: at least we're not alone
Worst complaint: they deny responsibility, refer back to developers like TTG and then - magically - the errors disappear for some time.....
I am on the verge of ending my contract, but for others' sake I would like to leave a farewell message for Versio. In it I would like to be able to refer to some kind of "standard" in terms of PHP configuration, which they obviously don't know or simply ignore. Could you tell me if there is such a thing, like there are conventions/standards/certifications for almost everything that actually works all over the net?
Could be important to mention something like this in the TTG documentation....
Hope you can help out again.
After some iterations Versio has modified the settings around PHP (unclear only for me or generically..). So that both upload and websites (in BL1 and 2) work again when I use PHP 5.6.
When I select PHP 7.3 the websites remain working (for BL1 after updating some code, some other trail here), however, upload from Lightroom fails with:
Can't update this collection.
Unable to perform action: uploadRendition
Message: Unexpected error: File upload error - unable to create a temporary file in Unknown on line 0
I guess it is also a setting to be done by the provider.
just want to check that you're using the latest TTG Publisher Lightroom plugin, version:
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
I guess it is also a setting to be done by the provider.
It's very likely an issue with the location for temporary files (the initial place that a server puts uploads before Backlight moves them to the right location). This will be something for your host to fix.
Can you provide me with a Backlight admin login via email so that I can see where the path is set, if it's set.
@Rod: All Backlight 2 modules are at the latest version, so at version 4.0.9 for the module-publisher.
@Ben: That is on its way.
In this same environment we have also a WordPress site running. That has also issues with PHP 7 when uploading an image (in standard WP environment, not Blacklight), also complaining that some tmp folder could not found/accessed.
Since yesterday evening the original error is back (see 2019-06-15 11:37:33), So I guess that the provider reverted to their original settings.
Unfortunately there has been no reply to my message from june 23rd. In it - after many months of struggling with the exact net (non)outcome as Diederick (and others I am sure) - I have tried to broaden the issue in terms of preventing endless hide-and-seek games with unwilling providers ("contact your software support"...."we provided normal hosting"...), such as Versio and Strato.
Surely there must be either some sort of standard for this type of hosting, or at least a broadly accepted "best practice". Being able to refer to that would save a great deal of time and energy.