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When you look at this gallery you see on the left the name: urban>spoorwegonderdeel (document title in file info of the photo) and beneath the photo the Original filename of the photo … single.php
when you look at this gallery you see on the left the name: zwanger>urban serie and at the bottom again urban serie instead of the Original file name … single.php
I cannot find where the textstring "urban serie" is comming from and why do I get for one gallery the file name and in the other the text "urban serie". This text is not in the photo's file info.
You can look in backlight with gastkijker, whyowhy
it's probably coming from the image's Title metadata field.
chances are that you've got the photo caption metadata set to {Title} (under Image Settings in the template). If there is no text in the image's metadata Title field, then I believe the display defaults to the image's filename.
(I can't view your template settings with only Guest Viewer access so I have to guess)
you could try changing the token in the Photo Caption field of the template to {Filename} if just want the filename to show.
After making any metadata changes (whether in the template or to an image) you'll need to republish the album.
You can use the "Push metadata without updating existing photos" option in Publisher set up (in Lightroom) to make the process quicker.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
OKE, thank you, now I know where to look