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Updated my WP theme after spending a few hours finding my way around the update and everything seems to mostly work. Few minor issues to iron out. My Pallet 01 text is too large in the WP template and I have not found a way to fix it.
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
The regular text in the tray looks to be the same size as in your posts. The larger text are headings. You could control these with custom css
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
It is a width thing. I had decreased the width of the Pallet 01 during the transition to Pangolin. When I put the width back to the previous setting, It all fits much better. The rest of the site didn't seem to complain either.
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
Hi James,
So you see the widget styling as a problem, or things are okay?
And if I may offer a small piece of advice, in your page template, under Content => Pallets, I think you should add some space using the Widgets Top/Bottom-margin sliders. It looks like you have these set to zero, and it makes it difficult to parse the items in your sidebar. I recommend values of 21, 24, 36 or 48, depending on whether you'd like more or less space. These are numbers that marry well to the use of negative space in Backlight's overall design, though.
You are correct there is more than just Font size wrong. The widgets are overlapping and the font color in the drop-down boxes is the same color as the background until highlighted by a mouse flyover. I tried changing the Content => Pallets to the numbers you suggested and not much improvement. I then went the extreme and set them to 144 each. Not much improvement. Left this way on my way to work for today.
I didn't break my sight as I currently don't have much in the Pallets except a search graphic on the main site.
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
Seems you've got loads of plugins running. Some of them are doing odd things.
One is the Fotomoto plugin, which is calling out to your fotomoto script using http, while your site is served via https. That's throwing an error due to the protocol mismatch. Are you selling images in your blog posts?
And your blog login widget, for some reason that I simply cannot fathom, as a z-index of 999, and is conflicting with your drop-down menu because of it. Does anyone log into your blog other than you?
I would start by disabling plugins. Make sure things are okay, then enable the again one-by-one to see whether anything is causing problems for you.
On the web it seems to occasionally take some time for things to propagate. Always been a mystery to me. When I checked this afternoon the 144 had propagated through. I then reset to 48, saved and sent to WP. then I changed to the Backlight theme and back to the Pangolin theme. Still a bit flaky but much better. The text color in the drop down box, e.g. archive, is still white on white but the font sizes seem to have stabilized. Tried changing the text, hyperlink and hover settings to no avail.
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
The spacing looks better. Propagation times shouldn't be a thing; I think you're just not clearing your browser cache between changes.
Do you have the Fotomoto Wordpress plugin enabled on your blog? Are you actually using Fotomoto on your blog? Because you've got Fotomoto errors on the page that I think are NOT coming from Backlight.
Also, that login box in your sidebar is causing overlap problems with your drop-menu due to its absurd z-index value. Is that something you have control over, is that a plugin? What's going on there?
No on the Fotomoto.
I've poked around a bit and finally found the source. Line 32 of file in the Pangolin theme, theme.enqueue.php file:
if( !function_exists( 'fotomoto' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'fotomoto' , ' … 1269330677', array('scripts'), false, true );
The z-value that is a plugin called "WP User Control" which is the only login that I have found which is willing to sit in the sidebar. Found the setting in the .css file and changed to 10 from 1000. Not sure if it helps.
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
Thanks, I'll look into setting the proper browser protocol for that fotomoto script then.
Try setting that z-index value to "auto", or if that does bad things, to zero ("0").
Reset to auto and nothing broke. Seems happier.
Still with the font color issue with the drop down lists, white on white but visible on mouse flyover. Changed to standard list for now.
Happy to help with the Fotomoto weirdness. On the plus side Fotomoto seems to have phased out their obsolete code and the warnings I was getting last fall have gone away.
Last edited by jherman (2017-07-05 02:06:13)
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
Still with the font color issue with the drop down lists, white on white but visible on mouse flyover. Changed to standard list for now.
What drop-down lists?
On my sidebar, I use an archive widget, WP native I think, which has the option of producing a list which can be long or using a drop-down box. The problem is in the drop-down box. The background color is white, the text color is almost white and contents are only visible on mouse flyover. I think the theme picks up the color of the text used everywhere while the search box and subscribe boxes use white background and black cursor.
Tried to change settings in my Backlight Pangolin Pages theme but haven't been able to find the correct one.
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
I'm not having that problem. On my test site, the drop-down text is the same as the color chosen in the page template > Content > Pallets > Text Color.
If yours is set to white, then this is why you're not seeing it.
You could try this in custom css:
select, select option {
color: black;
If you need it to be specific to your blog (not affecting regular pages on your site) you can add one of the specific body classes you'll find by looking at the page source code.
For example, on my test site, the name of the WordPress template is wp-rod-default. In the <body> tag is the class "slug-wp-rod-default"
I can use that to target the blog pages:
.slug-wp-rod-default select, .slug-wp-rod-default select option {
color: black;
yours would be:
.slug-JRH-Pangolin-Wordpress-Theme select, .slug-JRH-Pangolin-Wordpress-Theme select option {
color: black;
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
There might be an option with your widget to set the color, otherwise you can use some custom css:
select#archives-dropdown-8 {
background-color: #59ca1e;
Daniel Leu | Photography
My digital playground (eg, Backlight tips&tricks):
Daniel's suggestion worked as advertised. It changed color to a color consistent with my site. I placed the code fragment in the WP css. Tried Rod's suggestions but at first blush didn't work but I need more time to make sure I haven't done something stupid.
User with too little time but coding is therapeutic.
Pages: 1