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I know it is not the job of you folk to sort out problems with my web site host - but maybe you could help me help them.
It seems that a problem has arisen sometime after the 23rd May.
This and earlier Gallery created folders will not open.
This, and more recent, Gallery created folder opens. … index.html
Oddly the problem only seems to affect Gallery created folders. I say this as the following folder, created before I became a Gallery user, uploaded in early 2013 will open.
I have looked inside all three index.html files by 'saving' them to my PC and looking at the source. I am assuming you can do likewise and maybe, unlike me, see why the concours one does not open in a browser. Or is the problem more deep seated in your opinion.
Any help you can supply will be much appreciated. Looking ahead the pointers suggest I should move to another host but maybe not!
I have looked at the embroidery html on my PC and I can see that a lot of the middle is missing. Does this suggest what might have happened at the web host? I'll paste it below:-
<!DOCTYPE html>
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Another clue - I Hope.
The uploaded html file seems to go wrong and have lots missing after this sequence.
<!--[if (gte IE 6)&(lte IE 8)]>
<script src="./lib/js/respond.min.js"></script>
<!--[if (lte IE 10)]>
Does this help suggest what might have changed at my hosting site?
I have no idea why so much code is missing from the Emboidery_stool gallery. The code above is part of the gallery code so doesn't have anything to do with the problem.
I'll ask the obvious question: have you tried re-exporting and re-uploading the misbehaving galleries?
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
I don't even need to re-upload the offending folders. All I need to do is to re-upload the index.html and the mobile.html. The makes the folder usable again.
Snag is that about half the site is faulty. A site of 1,400 folders so that could be around 700 that need correcting. Imagine how long that would take using consumer software and broadband?
Since posting my problem I have spoken to some IT contacts and they say there is no way I could have corrupted all those index files with my Filezilla access. The web hosting site must have had a problem and created the corruption when they tried to recover from it.
Would you not agree?
The reason I asked the question here is in the hope that you or someone would know why a perfectly good index can get copied across with a chunk of information (after that bit of script) missing. If we knew the answer to that there is a chance that I could get the hosting company to do the operation again without the action that caused the problem.
My IT buddies think there is a way they can do the correction using some batch scripts. However I do now question whether that is worth the effort and that the time would be spent moving to a new web host that takes backups!
What's weird is that it seems to be all the body code (the stuff of the actual site) that seems to be missing. The code in the head tag is there, though there is no closing head tag...
The only thing I would know to do is to re-upload all those index.html and mobile.html files. Maybe someone here has a better idea
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
"What's weird is that it seems to be all the body code (the stuff of the actual site) that seems to be missing. "
That's what amazed me. A normal 'copy' does not do that and there is no way I could do that in Filezilla.
It is almost as if they tried to recreate the web folder from a version of the web site.
What 'copy' software would rip out the middle of each index file like that?
Something very strange is going on here. Are the modification times of all the corrupted files the same or similar?
I've come across sites that have been hacked to alter all of the index pages, but the changes have added scripts or redirects to third party sites, and not just removed content.
Are you running Wordpress anywhere on your site?
Thanks Ben,
No Wordpress on my site - but it could be on someone else's on the server of course.
The hacking suggestion makes sense. All the indexes on every one of the 1,400 folders is dated 12/07/16 - but with slightly different timings. The ones created by BreezBrowser, before I came to TTG, contain no 'scripts' or java and have not been changed. All yours have had the middle removed and that presumably was where the hacker planned to add some new content.
It seems that my web host has no backup old enough to hold the undamaged indexes but I have been offered assistance by some nearby IT folk and we will attempt to reload them from my local source over extra fast fibre.
Thanks again.
At the moment we are working on replacing all the index files and that seems to work on the few I have done by hand.
I now see that all the template.......php files are dated the 18th July so someone could have had another go at the site.
Would you advise me to copy clean copies of these as well?
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