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First, excuse me for my bad English...
I have an error in the process of checkout with CE4 Cart. Following the purchuase process, first I add some photos in the Cart, then I go to the cart, I press the Paypal Button, login and provide my billing info to Paypal and in the last screen, when I check the checkboxes to agree the terms of service and I try to end the purchuase pressing the "Pay Now" button, I get this error:
array_fill(): Number of elements must be positive|#0 [internal function]: ErrorHandler::handleError(2, 'array_fill(): N...', '/homepages/20/d...', 543, Array) #1 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/cart/application/helpers/ApplicationHelper.php(543): array_fill(0, 0, '..') #2 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/cart/application/helpers/ApplicationHelper.php(550): ApplicationHelper::pathToLocal('/ttg-be/cart/in...', 'http://carrito....') #3 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/cart/application/helpers/ApplicationHelper.php(591): ApplicationHelper::realPathOfFile('http://carrito....') #4 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/cart/application/helpers/ApplicationHelper.php(627): ApplicationHelper::pathForDownload('http://carrito....', 'photos-for-purc...') #5 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/cart/application/controllers/CartController.php(553): ApplicationHelper::copyFilesForDownload(Array, Object(PricingSchemeGroup)) #6 [internal function]: CartController->paypal_confirm() #7 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/framework/controllers/Controller.php(41): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #8 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/framework/Framework.php(124): Controller->dispatch(Array) #9 /homepages/20/d432893708/htdocs/tienda-online/ttg-be/cart/index.php(24): Framework->route() #10 {main}|URL: /ttg-be/cart/index.php
And nothing happens, No download, no payment in Paypal, nothing...
What can I do? I already checked the PayPal info (API).
Thanks in advance
first thing: post a link to a cart enabled gallery so we have something to look at
second: make sure that guest access to ttg-be is enabled and if the credentials are other than the default, post those credentials.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Here is an URL to a gallery in TTG-BE:
The guest user is activated and the username and password are the default.
Thanks for your fast reply.
One problem may be that your galleries really shouldn't be inside the /ttg-be/cart/ folder. This may cause some path errors, I'm not sure.
Best practice would be to put your galleries in a folder in the root of your site. You can name it whatever you want: "galleries", "shop", "portfolio", it doesn't matter. When creating this folder, use only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. No spaces, punctuation, or special characters.
Another thing to do is to update your plug-ins to the latest versions.
You're using Cart 3.0.5, the latest version is 3.1.4a
You're using TTG-BE 2.0.5, the latest is 2.0.5a
and you're using Gallery 6.1.5, the latest is 6.1.9
You can see what improvements or bug fixes have been added by visiting the documents page and checking the change logs for each plug-in.
That being said, I was able go through the process of purchasing right up to the point of actually pushing the purchase button in PayPal. It all went well. From the Pay Now button in the cart, to logging into PayPal. But since I didn't actually purchase, I couldn't see what the end result would have been. But clicking the Buy Now PayPal button in the cart worked fine for me.
So try updating everything and moving your galleries into their own folder and see if that fixes things.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Hello there,
Thanks, following your instructions I solved the problems mentioned. Also I updated the plugins.
Now I can succesfuly end every purchuase, but I'm not receiving any mail into any inbox (no mail into admin inbox, no mail into customer inbox).
First, when I was ending an order, it was ending into an error because the short timeout (10 seconds) to send the message to SMTP server. According to this, I modified the PHPMailer.php file into /ttg-be/framework/lib/ directory, incrementing the timeout to 30 seconds. After this, the checkout progress ended correctly and I redirected to the Downloads page of the order (pending file preparation).
After this, the only mail I was receiving for all the process are the notifications sended by PayPal, but no mail from my domain.
What can I do to trace/solve this problem?
a couple of things to try:
check spam folders
try the other email option in ttg-be set up.
are you also using the TTG contact form on your site? Does it work as expected?
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
I'm not using TTG contact form on my site.
Now I'm testing with another email account. For now, all the operations I was testing were on a live PayPal account, and now I want to continue testing for the email issue in a sandbox account. I followed the instructions found in the documentation and I'm able to save the testing API credentials and switch to the testing version, but when i press the PayPal checkout button i get the error attached in the next link:
I'm so sorry for making too much questions, but I tried to follow the instructions step by step... and something it went wrong!
Ben has mentioned that the PayPal Sandbox can be difficult.
He'll have to take a look at what's going on as it's beyond me.
You could try emailing him directly. I know he's pretty busy with Backlight right now and may not have time to visit the forum
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Well, forget about sandbox, I'll keep trying by the live version.
Focusing to the email problem, I tried to end another order using the same mail to check the SPAM folder, and no email recieved into inbox or SPAM. Then, I tried to set up another email info, a Google Apps email account, using the 465 port and ssl, and it doesn't worked, like in all the previous tests.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I put all the email configs into TTG-BE Admin - Settings - TTG BE Settings, under the email configuration section.
Please Rod, can you check if i forget something configuring the email? I think I done it well, but I can't set it up working properly!
I really appreciate your help!
Did you try the plain "Mail" option?
Ben is the expert on these things so if problems persist, try emailing him directly.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Thanks Rod,
I sent an email to Ben. I hope we can solve this issue, I spent many hours of trying and trying!
When I have a response I will post the solution if this can help another people with the same problems!
Thank you very much.
The problem is solved! Changing the SMTP option to MAIL it worked really well, and now I recieve the notifications as expected!
Thanks for all the help, I'm really glad of your attention!
See you!
Using the plain "Mail" option seems to be the best one to use. Fewer problems.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
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