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Hi; I´ve managed to set up the Client Response Gallery in LR and is able to export and publish selections to FTP. I would love to get the Auto Index function to work but just can't figure out what I´m doing wrong? My goal is to have a page for each of my customers where individual assignments are posted as individual galleries. In that way, they could always go to www.myhomepage/customers/customersname and find an idea of all assignments I´ve done for them...
What steps have you taken so far?
Can you provide links?
All it should take is exporting Autoindex and uploading the entire exported folder to your server. Then upload your exported CRGs to the autoindex folder you uploaded.
Providing, of course, your hosting complies with the TTG hosting requirements
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
I think I must be going crazy. I´ve been sitting with this all day, it´s almost midnight and I just can´t get it to work the way I would like to. I can get the steps to work individually, but I just can't get it to work together. I would greatly appreciate help achieving this:
1. I have a folder on my site thats called "" (that´s "CUSTOMERS"). In that folder I have folders for each returning customer where I usually drop zipped folders with previews from assignments. I would love to have a customer-password -protected auto-index page for each returning customer with client-response-galleries from each assignment, so that they always will be able to return and get an overview of the assignments I´ve done for them and to do new selections to send me.
How do I:
a) set up a new auto-index page in each ""-folder? I´ve managed to set up the default "my"-folder, but this would require my customers to change their habit, and I would prefer to still direct them to my previous location of i.e "".
b) I have problems with the password-thing. I want a customer-specific password for each auto-index-page, but not for the galleries inside of it. How do I achieve that?
c) I would like the hierarki in the "Publish Service" to reflect that of my ""-folder. For that I guess I have to use Album Set´s. But I can't get that to work either.
Help is greatly appreciated!
Last edited by mikkelmand (2015-06-30 07:11:19)
a) set up a new auto-index page in each ""-folder? I´ve managed to set up the default "my"-folder, but this would require my customers to change their habit, and I would prefer to still direct them to my previous location of i.e "".
You can still do this. Make the NAME folder the autoindex.
b) I have problems with the password-thing. I want a customer-specific password for each auto-index-page, but not for the galleries inside of it. How do I achieve that?
enable password protection in Output Settings for each autoindex and provide username and password. … protection
However, if you are using managing your CRGs through the ttg-be/CRG admin, your clients will still have to log into that.
(you don't say how you're deploying your CRGs)
c) I would like the hierarki in the "Publish Service" to reflect that of my ""-folder. For that I guess I have to use Album Set´s. But I can't get that to work either.
Yes, Album Sets are the way to go. You'll need to upload an exported Autoindex to ttg-be-/templates/autoindex before that will work.
What have you done so far? You say you can't get it to work but we can only guess as to what you're doing.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
I don´t understand what that means? Do yo mean that I should export the auto index and name it the customers name and upload that to the "my"-folder?
a) set up a new auto-index page in each ""-folder? I´ve managed to set up the default "my"-folder, but this would require my customers to change their habit, and I would prefer to still direct them to my previous location of i.e "".
You can still do this. Make the NAME folder the autoindex.
b) I have problems with the password-thing. I want a customer-specific password for each auto-index-page, but not for the galleries inside of it. How do I achieve that?
enable password protection in Output Settings for each autoindex and provide username and password. … protectionHowever, if you are using managing your CRGs through the ttg-be/CRG admin, your clients will still have to log into that.
(you don't say how you're deploying your CRGs)c) I would like the hierarki in the "Publish Service" to reflect that of my ""-folder. For that I guess I have to use Album Set´s. But I can't get that to work either.
Yes, Album Sets are the way to go. You'll need to upload an exported Autoindex to ttg-be-/templates/autoindex before that will work.
What have you done so far? You say you can't get it to work but we can only guess as to what you're doing.
I can't understand how galleries are associated with auto-index-pages?
I have no problem with myself creating passwords/usernames for my customers and email them their credentials. But I need there to only be a login to the auto-index-page, not to each gallery...
I don´t understand what that means? Do yo mean that I should export the auto index and name it the customers name and upload that to the "my"-folder?
If using Publisher and you set KUNDER as your top level galleries folder then instead of an uploaded autoindex, you can create Album Sets to hold all the albums for each client. These album sets can be password protected if you need them to be.
But if you're using ttg-be CRG admin to manage your albums, there is no need to password protect the album sets since your clients will need a user name and password to access their albums anyway. They can either try to enter on of their albums and sign in or you can just direct them to to have them log in. Once they do they'll go to a page that has links to all their albums. This only happens if you're using Publisher and using CRG Admin.
For more about CRG management options, see the deployment options post here: … e-gallery/
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
I´m sorry, I don´t understand anything of that?
I don´t care what I use, I just want the easiest way to achieve what I wrote in the first comment.
Ok. I need to know what you're doing before I can help you with how to do it.
How are you deploying your CRGs? Direct upload or are you planning on using Publisher?
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
I would SO love if you could just explain in easy steps how to achieve this:
1. Have individual auto-index-pages in ""
2. Have each be password-protected but not the galleries inside the pages.
I´ve bought the CE4 Client Proofing Bundle. I wan´t to use whatever is easiest to achieve what I wrote in my previous comment!
I guess I plan on using Publisher!
This is a nightmare! I dread thinking about what will happen if I ever;
- change web host
- update lightroom
Ok, Publisher it is then.
Have you installed ttg-be, Publisher, and CRG on your web server? … lery_setup
and installed the Publisher plug-in in Lightroom? … oom_plugin
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Have you read through the deployment options in the post I referenced earlier and have decided on how you want to deploy your CRG albums? (managed by CRG Admin or Stand-alone)?
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Since you've decided to use Publisher, when you go to set up a Publisher instance: … r_instance
Set your top-level galleries folder to KUNDER (assuming this is the main folder where you want to place all your customer indexes)
Click on the Authenticate button to make sure everything is connecting
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
In Lightroom, load up CE4 Autoindex. Design to your liking. If you want your album sets to be password protected, enable that in Autoindex under Output Settings.
When done, export it, naming it with only letters, numbers, underscores, or dashes. No spaces or special characters.
Upload the entire exported autoindex to /ttg-be/templates/autoindex/ … _templates
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
In Lightroom, load up CE4 CRG. Design to your liking.
When done, export it, naming as above.
Upload the entire exported CRG to /ttg-be/templates/gallery/
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
In Publisher, create an album set for one of your customers. … album_sets
Set up your password protection under the Features Tab
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
In Publisher, create a client CRG album. You can right-click on one of the Album Sets and choose "Create Album" and that should place the album in the correct album set. But double check the Set field directly under the Name of the album. … ith_albums
Under the Integration tab choose your CRG management option.
Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site
Will try this tomorrow. Need sleep now after wasting 12 hours on this...
I can't understand how galleries are associated with auto-index-pages?
Look, it's bloody simple. All you're doing is putting one folder (a gallery) into another folder (an auto index).
So an auto index is a folder that contains other folders (children, which are your galleries).
If you can organize folders in LR, or on your desktop, then it's the same concept.
If you're using CE4 Publisher, then you manage this process using Lightroom's Publish Services panel. There, "Album Sets" equate to an auto index, while "Albums" equate to galleries. It looks like this:
An album set
- a gallery
- a gallery
- a gallery
Another album set
- a gallery
- a gallery
- a gallery
In your case, each album set would represent a client.
To get going with this, you need only to load the Web module, export one each: a template using CE4 Auto Index, and a template using CE4 Gallery. Upload these exported templates into the correct location on your site, as in our documentation.
Go back to Lightroom's Publish Services and start creating Album Sets and Albums. You can be up-and-running with this in probably less than 30 minutes, unless you really spend a long time agonizing over your template designs.
Thank you Matthew! I wish I had known that from the beginning! I´m sure I´ll manage now that I know this!
Could you explain to me how I achieve the following - using the same simple language as you did above?:
1. I would like to have two navigation items on the auto-index page: one that says "Client selection" and that leads to an auto-index with my galleries with not adjusted jpgs - and another item that says "Delivery" that leads to an auto-index with galleries with high resolution jpgs and that are downloadable. The sorting of images into albums I can manage, but the rest I have no idea of how to achieve.
2. I´m still not sure where to enter information to get the auto-index to be password-protected when managing CRG´s through Publisher?
I appreciate your time!
Regards, Mikkel
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Mikkel Örstedholm |
Fotograf |
Tel: 0707448528
Besöksadress: Heliosgatan 13
120 30 Stockholm
