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#1 2017-11-06 15:46:15

Registered: 2012-11-30
Posts: 348

Tip: Iconic album set with descriptions

I'm using an Album set with the iconic layout. I added descriptions and found the icons would "bump" up in their row to give the description room. This really throws off the nice visual layout. Ideally the default should be that all the icons align at their tops, and allow the descriptions to fall below.

Consider this example...

Iconic album set, with a dozen albums. Each one has a title, and only some have a description. Maybe some have a one line description, but some have two.

The ones with no description "drop" to the bottom in their row. The ones with a description "bump" up in their row. The visual is that each thumbnail is at a different vertical location in their row, causing the row to appear uneven. It's the added height of the description causing the icon to "bump" up in its row.

What's happening is each "figure" (which is the icon, title, and description) is aligned in the row by their bottom. The description add more height to the entire figure, causing the icon to "bump" up in it's row. The better visual is if all the icons were aligned in the row along their tops. This way, all the album's icons, including the ones with descriptions, are all aligned horizontally in their row. Much better visually.

Turns out it's easy to do. I think this should be the default behavior.

.albums-iconic figure {
    vertical-align: top;

The image below shows the same row before, and after aligning the figure's tops.


Last edited by JimR (2017-11-06 16:12:19)



#2 2017-11-06 16:41:56

From: San Francisco, CA
Registered: 2012-09-24
Posts: 5,795

Re: Tip: Iconic album set with descriptions

Totally meant to be. Good find. I'll add this in for next update.


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