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#1 Re: CE4 Pages » The Block above gallery » 2014-10-04 07:00:35

Thanks for the reply, Matthew.  I put working on my website on hold for a bit in order to figure out if I could do this--put the block on top. I had subscribed to this thread but must have missed the notification.

I had been wondering of Stage would be able to put the block on top, but didn't want to buy it just to maybe find out, so your reply answered that as well. Is there a manual way to edit the html or css and switch the gallery and block after export? If not I may try the Stage route. I suspect that even if you do add this layout option back in, it won't be soon enough for rev. 1 of my site.

At any rate, yes, I think this should be an option--obviously, I suppose since I asked the question : )

In the simplest case, the Block would just hold the gallery title and it seems to me that having the title at the very top above the images would be a common desire. My desire is to put other text as well, but I see how this would be a much less common desire.

Even though possible, it seems rare that anyone would want to put auto index, gallery and contact all on one page. What a page that would be.

#2 Re: CE4 Pages » The Block above gallery » 2014-09-16 08:42:40

HI Rod,

Thank you for the replies and help.

Yes, in the Media Area I find the controls you mention.  These appear to set the location of the Grid (Media Area) relative to the Block (Content).

Using these I can get the Grid to be either above or below the Block. But I still can't find a control to get the Block above the Gallery.

Its really looking like this layout option has been eliminated. Or maybe I'm just missing it. Maybe Matthew can chime in at some point.

#3 Re: CE4 Pages » The Block above gallery » 2014-09-16 07:51:05

I'm not seeing Location under Content/Description

#4 CE4 Pages » The Block above gallery » 2014-09-16 05:23:57

Replies: 8

I am not able to find the setting to place the Block (Content Area) above the galleria image gallery. I know this was easy in CE3. Has this option been removed, or am I just not seeing it? If so, is there a workaround?

#5 Re: CE4 Pages » Add navigation to flip gallery home page? » 2014-08-13 12:36:03

rod barbee wrote:

the idea behind the full screen flip gallery is that it's an entry page to the rest of the site

Why is it part of TTG Stage then?

#6 Re: CE4 Pages » Add navigation to flip gallery home page? » 2014-08-13 05:16:01

I'll try to rephrase my question. I think the answer is 'no' after playing with it for a while, but I'd like to know for sure, to ask for ideas on workarounds, and/or to make a feature request.

Basically, I think I'm trying to take the Full Screen Flip gallery style farther than it is currently intended.

There is only one navigation element possible that I can see--the button that is labeled "Return" by default. I'd like to have all the usual TTG navigation menus available (Galleries, About, Contact, etc) by having them overlayed on top of the full screen image.

I'd also like to have text on top of the images. I found a workaround by adding text and html to the Title field for each image, but its a bit cumbersome if what I want is the same text to display for every image. This image shows an example: … .06.26.jpg

Is this more clear?

I'm currently working on the home page with TTG Pages, but my intent would be for all the galleries on my site.

#7 CE4 Pages » Add navigation to flip gallery home page? » 2014-08-12 05:44:44

Replies: 6

Is it possible to add standard ttg navigation menu to the full-page flip gallery? Is it possible to add other arbitrary text (ie, the block) or the new side bar?

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