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#1 Re: CE4 Pages » robots Checkbox » 2015-09-05 06:59:52

Hurra! You had the right idea. Copying the styleData section from galleries to pages (with password protection on) the pages template had also password protection on (but hidden, you can't see it in lightroom).
Thanks for another great support!

#2 Re: CE4 Pages » robots Checkbox » 2015-09-05 06:23:15

in ce4pages I Can't enable passwords... (not sure but I did not found some checkboxes...)

But for Indexes and pages, this was true and the right hint! thanks!

#3 Re: CE4 Pages » robots Checkbox » 2015-09-05 06:15:16

seems to be an error in the file head.html:

<% if M.page_setup.html.robots == 'disallow' or M.password.enable then %>
    <meta name="robots" content="noarchive, noindex, nofollow" />
<% end %>

#4 Re: CE4 Pages » robots Checkbox » 2015-09-05 06:08:44

turning on and turnig off has no effect on the values in

<meta name="robots" content="noarchive, noindex, nofollow">

it's every time the same...

I can not turn off this line!

#5 CE4 Pages » robots Checkbox » 2015-09-05 05:46:16

Replies: 8

Could it be that the Robots (Privacy) Checkbox has no more effect.
Toggle on and toggle off results in the Meta data  as:
<meta name="robots" content="noarchive, noindex, nofollow">

My site is gone frome google... :-(

Or am I makîng some mistakes here?

#6 Re: CE4 Theme for WordPress » feature request » 2015-06-12 05:51:54

I love this community! Thanks a lot. It is what I searched!


#7 CE4 Showcase » Migration from ce2 to ce4 » 2015-06-11 05:36:32

Replies: 1

I almost completed the migration to CE4...
Now I have to fill the content (I did not know that I had so many photos).

Look at !
In the new-section I placed actually some PR for ttg!


#8 Re: CE4 Theme for WordPress » Custom Field in WP » 2015-06-11 05:32:37

I found a solution and post it her for your information:
Search the DIV of post-featured-image and replace the code with this:

<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>-featured-image" class="post-featured-image collapse_top" style="max-width:<?php echo $imgwidth; ?>px;">
    <a href="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'galerie', true) ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" class="post-image-link">     
        <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'large', array('class' => 'size-large post_thumbnail ' . of_get_option('hd_image_class'), 'width' => $imgwidth, 'height' => $imgheight, 'data-full-rendition' => $img_full[0]) ); ?> 


</div><!-- .post-featured-image -->

So you can use a custom field to submit the URL of a gallery!

#9 CE4 Theme for WordPress » feature request » 2015-06-11 05:27:32

Replies: 3

in the single post view of WordPress I miss the two buttons newer/older. This makes that you get somewhat stuck in the post. You can't "browse" thrue the posts...
Thanks in advance!

#10 CE4 Theme for WordPress » Custom Field in WP » 2015-05-26 06:16:28

Replies: 1

Hello folks,

I am migrating my whole page from ce2 to ce4... what a big step! I had in ce2 a link (with a custom field called galerie) witch allowed by clicking on the main image in a single post to jump to a given side... it was implemented like that in the-loop:

<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'galerie', true) ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" class="post-image-link">
<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'large', array('class' => 'post-image') ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Now in CE4 things are changed (and much more sophisticated and also complicated). Have anyone of you in the net an idea, where I have to put now the code to obtain a similar result (link to a given gallery)?

Thanks in advance

#11 Re: CE4 Theme for WordPress » Localization files » 2015-05-21 20:23:16

Thanks a Lot! Works like a charm!
How sounds "Seitenkopf"?

#12 Re: PHPlugins (CE4) » Nested galleries » 2015-05-18 23:18:59

Hello community

finally here is the code that works for CE4...

$indexPath = '/galleries/'; // set folder location to scan for galleries
    $theroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

    if (trim($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) == 'debug')
        define ('AUTOINDEX_DEBUG', false); // enable statement to output debugging info from autoindex()
    $albums = autoindex($theroot.$indexPath);
    $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
    $j = min(count($albums), 8); // build <li>s from first 8 in gallery list   
    for($i=0; $i < $j; $i++)
        $childalbum= $albums[$i]['url'];
        echo '<li><a href="'.$albums[$i]['url'].'"title="'.$albums[$i]['description'].'">'.$albums[$i]['title'].'</a>';
        $albumsc = autoindex($theroot.$childalbum);
        // $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
        // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
        $jc = min(count($albumsc), 8);// build childs from first 8 in gallery list
        if ($jc > 0)
            echo '<ul>'; // create child
            for($ic=0; $ic < $jc; $ic++)
                echo '<li><a href="'.$albumsc[$ic]['url'].'"title="'.$albumsc[$ic]['description'].'">'.$albumsc[$ic]['title'].'</a></li>';
            echo '</ul>' ;
        } // close child
            '</li>'; // close liste when there is no autoindex
    if (count($albums) > 8)
        echo '<li><a href="/galleries.php" title="Mehr Fotos" >mehr ...</a></li>';
    echo '

Perhaps it helps to someone!


#14 CE4 Publisher » search module and template with download » 2015-04-13 19:13:06

Replies: 3

Hi folks

I am a big fan of the new search module. I use it with a template wich allows a download of the file. The sign (cloud) for the download appears also on the grid.

In the search module, the link (cloud) points on the search-folder instead of the original gallery-folder. So download fails with an 404 error:
"Not Found
The requested URL /search/download.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

Is there a possibility to fix that?
Thanks in advance!

#15 Re: PHPlugins (CE4) » Nested galleries » 2015-03-29 07:16:40

Hello Matthew
I did some research...
If in the autoindex.xml the <url></url> is not empty, the phplugin do the right thing, if <url> is empty, there is something, that makes that there are empty lists...

I think I can manage that with my structure!


#16 Re: PHPlugins (CE4) » Nested galleries » 2015-03-27 06:34:48

Not sure what you mean...
once the code works, once not...
the <ul> </ul> is part of the phplugin script provided from ttg pages etc.

function ttg_header_navigation( $style, $path ) {
    echo '
    <div id="navigation-container" class="navigation-container clearfix">
    <div id="navigation" class="block-id navigation clearfix">
    <div class="mantle clearfix">
        <div class="core clearfix">
        <div id="navigation-background">

        <div id="r2d2-menu" class="clearfix">
        <ul id="pull">
            <li id="open-nav" class="toggle-nav"><a href="#r2d2-menu"><i class="fa fa-reorder"></i></a></li>
            <li id="close-nav" class="toggle-nav"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></a></li>

        <ul id="nav">
        <!-- EDIT ONLY BELOW THIS LINE : -->
            <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="/galleries.php">Fotos</a>
    $indexPath = '/galleries/'; // set folder location to scan for galleries
    $theroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

    if (trim($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) == 'debug')
        define ('AUTOINDEX_DEBUG', false); // enable statement to output debugging info from autoindex()
    $albums = autoindex($theroot.$indexPath);
    // $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
    $j = min(count($albums), 8); // build <li>s from first 8 in gallery list   
    for($i=0; $i < $j; $i++) {
        $childalbum= $albums[$i]['url'];
        echo '<li><a href="'.$albums[$i]['url'].'"title="'.$albums[$i]['description'].'">'.$albums[$i]['title'].'</a>';
                if (file_exists($theroot.$childalbum.'/index.php'))
                    $albumsc = autoindex($theroot.$childalbum);
                    // $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
                    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
                    $jc = min(count($albumsc), 8);// build childs from first 8 in gallery list
                    echo '<ul>'; // create child
                        for($ic=0; $ic < $jc; $ic++)
                        echo '<li><a href="'.$albumsc[$ic]['url'].'"title="'.$albumsc[$ic]['description'].'">'.$albumsc[$ic]['title'].'</a></li>';
                    echo '</ul>' ;
                    } // close child
                    '</li>'; // close liste when there is no autoindex
            if (count($albums) > 8)
            echo '<li><a href="/galleries.php" title="Mehr Fotos" >mehr ...</a></li>';
    echo '
            <li><a href="/blog/">News</a></li>
            <li><a href="/services.php">Referenzen</a></li>
            <li><a href="/about.php">Shop</a></li>
            <li><a href="/contact.php">Kontakt</a></li>
            <li><a href="/search/"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a></li>
        <!-- EDIT ONLY ABOVE THIS LINE -->

        </div><!-- #r2d2-menu -->

        </div><!-- #navigation-background -->
    </div> <!-- #navigation -->

</div> <!-- #navigation-container -->
    return false;        // Replaces normal menu
} // END

I am still searching... :-)

#17 Re: PHPlugins (CE4) » Nested galleries » 2015-03-25 19:28:57

Hello Folks

before updating the my website I am testing a lot: Some strange behaviour here:

The nested dropdown menu does not work like expected:
test.imagepower .ch (remove the space... google should not trace...) (you can also login as ttg admin ttg8888)
TTG BE Admin version: 2.0.3
TTG CE4 Publisher version: 2.2.1

instead here, it worked without problems:
ww2.imagepower .ch (remove the space...)
TTG BE Admin version: 2.0.2
TTG CE4 Publisher version: 2.1.3

It seems to find for every time a nested gallery which should not to be

Any idea where to search the error?

The phplugin is the same:

    $indexPath = '/galleries/'; // set folder location to scan for galleries
    $theroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

    if (trim($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) == 'debug')
        define ('AUTOINDEX_DEBUG', false); // enable statement to output debugging info from autoindex()
    $albums = autoindex($theroot.$indexPath);
    $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
    $j = min(count($albums), 8); // build <li>s from first 8 in gallery list   
    for($i=0; $i < $j; $i++) {
        $childalbum= $albums[$i]['url'];
        echo '<li><a href="'.$albums[$i]['url'].'"title="'.$albums[$i]['description'].'">'.$albums[$i]['title'].'</a>';
                if (file_exists($theroot.$childalbum.'/index.php'))
                    $albumsc = autoindex($theroot.$childalbum);
                    // $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
                    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
                    $jc = min(count($albumsc), 8);// build childs from first 8 in gallery list
                    echo '<ul>'; // create child
                        for($ic=0; $ic < $jc; $ic++)
                        echo '<li><a href="'.$albumsc[$ic]['url'].'"title="'.$albumsc[$ic]['description'].'">'.$albumsc[$ic]['title'].'</a></li>';
                    echo '</ul>' ;
                    } // close child
                    '</li>'; // close liste when there is no autoindex
            if (count($albums) > 8)
            echo '<li><a href="/galleries.php" title="Mehr Fotos" >mehr ...</a></li>';
    echo '

thanks for helping!

#18 Re: CE4 Cart » Cart - Products - Problems » 2014-11-25 18:15:16

Ok, I reinstalled the cart-folder --> nothing changed. Then I deleted the ttg-be/data/cart-Folder and this helped. No idea why, but there was porbably something corrupt. I try now to reproduce the behaviour.
Many Thanks for the assistance here!

#19 Re: CE4 Gallery » Is Iconic Gallery style not working now for 6.1.0 ? » 2014-11-24 06:54:15

Hi Matthew
is there a possibility to override this, so that IPads also have the "iconic" feeling? Custom CSS?

#20 Re: CE4 Cart » Cart - Products - Problems » 2014-11-24 06:01:15

Did not help either. I replaced the localisation-file... did not change anything...
there is a trace in a error.log:
[23-Nov-2014 17:24:15 Europe/Zurich] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function getSingleOptionHTML() in ttg-be/cart/application/views/admin/view_product.php on line 100
what does it mean?

#21 Re: CE4 Cart » Cart - Products - Problems » 2014-11-24 00:10:36

Hi Rod,
thanks for supporting, but this did not help. there is no dropdown for products. If you try to change the product in the cart, you can see for a second the dropdown. Then the field disappears...
Any idea?

#22 CE4 Cart » Cart - Products - Problems » 2014-11-23 08:08:30

Replies: 9

Hello ce4-community

I like to update my page and have encountered some strange problems with the cart. He is detecting only one product, other products you can't select, because the dropdown of the products disappears...
Look here: ww2. imagepower .ch/galleries/index2/131130_fbk_uster/ (replace the spaces bfore and after imagepower)

And then, if you go to the cart and you like to chsange the product (here Produkt), the localisation-term "Produkt" disappears and ther is the original Product. And still no drop-down...

I have cart 305a,

Have a look: guest / guest !

Thanks in advance!

#23 Re: PHPlugins (CE4) » Nested galleries » 2014-08-23 20:26:03

OK, spending a little bit more of time and analyzing the new structure of CE4, I figured out a code that works:

            <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="/galleries.php">galleries</a>
    $indexPath = '/galleries/'; // set folder location to scan for galleries
    $theroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

    if (trim($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) == 'debug')
        define ('AUTOINDEX_DEBUG', false); // enable statement to output debugging info from autoindex()
    $albums = autoindex($theroot.$indexPath);
    // $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
    $j = min(count($albums), 8); // build <li>s from first 8 in gallery list   
    for($i=0; $i < $j; $i++) {
        $childalbum= $albums[$i]['url'];
        echo '<li><a href="'.$albums[$i]['url'].'"title="'.$albums[$i]['description'].'">'.$albums[$i]['title'].'</a>';
                if (file_exists($theroot.$childalbum.'/index.php'))
                    $albumsc = autoindex($theroot.$childalbum);
                    // $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
                    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
                    $jc = min(count($albumsc), 8);// build childs from first 8 in gallery list
                    echo '<ul>'; // create child
                        for($ic=0; $ic < $jc; $ic++)
                        echo '<li><a href="'.$albumsc[$ic]['url'].'"title="'.$albumsc[$ic]['description'].'">'.$albumsc[$ic]['title'].'</a></li>';
                    echo '</ul>' ;
                    } // close child
                    '</li>'; // close liste when there is no autoindex
            if (count($albums) > 8)
            echo '<li><a href="/galleries.php" title="Mehr Fotos" >mehr ...</a></li>';
    echo '
            <li><a href="/blog/">News</a></li>
            <li><a href="/services.php">services</a></li>
            <li><a href="/about.php">about</a></li>
            <li><a href="/contact.php">contact</a></li>
            <li><a href="/search/"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a></li>
        <!-- EDIT ONLY ABOVE THIS LINE -->

#24 PHPlugins (CE4) » Nested galleries » 2014-08-10 23:31:40

Replies: 8

As with every update, I get stucked with nested galleries and navigation....
I adapted the php but it does not work:

$indexPath = '/galleries/'; // set folder location to scan for galleries
    $theroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

    if (trim($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) == 'debug')
        define ('AUTOINDEX_DEBUG', true); // enable statement to output debugging info from autoindex()
    $albums = autoindex($theroot.$indexPath);
    // $albums = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
    // shuffle($albums); // Shuffles albums
    $j = min(count($albums), 8); // build <li>s from first 8 in gallery list   
    for($i=0; $i < $j; $i++) {
    $childalbum= $albums[$i]['url'];
        echo '<li><a href="'.$albums[$i]['url'].'"title="'.$albums[$i]['description'].'">'.$albums[$i]['title'].'</a>';
                if (file_exists($theroot.$childalbum.'/lib/autoindex/autoindex.php'))
                    $albumsc = autoindex($theroot.$childalbum);
                    //    $albumsc = array_reverse($albums); // Reverses album order
                    // build childs from first 8 in gallery list
                    $jc = min(count($albumsc), 8);
                    echo '<ul>'; // create child
                        for($ic=0; $ic < $jc; $ic++)
                        echo '<li><a href="'.$albumsc[$ic]['url'].'"title="'.$albumsc[$ic]['description'].'">'.$albumsc[$ic]['title'].'</a></li>';
                    echo '</ul>' ;
                    } // close child

                    '</li>'; // close liste when there is no autoindex
            if (count($albums) > 8)
            echo '<li><a href="/galleries.php" title="Mehr Fotos" >mehr ...</a></li>';
    echo '

Can anybody help me?

By the way at it works well...

Thanks a lot

#25 Re: General » One password for several galleries » 2012-10-23 05:12:37

I am used to send the links to the galleries via e-mail... and I saw, that google knows these links and tried to get information from there.... so i have to protect all galleries...
I do it now on the server...
Thanks for helping!
PS:Site is online now:

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