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#1 Re: General » Thoughts on Creative Cloud » 2014-06-09 05:36:04

Most of that should just transfer to LR5 I would think?

I have the LR and PS bundle from the cloud, just hope they don't stick the price up too much in 12 months time.

But CC I wouldn't have thought will make any difference to TTG going forward. Adobe have said LR isn't going cloud only.

#3 General » Shifting a previous order to a new email address » 2014-05-29 07:28:01

Replies: 3

Hi guys,
I bought the Web Publishing bundle from you late in August 2013 and wondered if the updates for that order (new release, etc) could be sent to my new address as the old one is soon to be turned off.

[ redacted ]

#4 Re: General » CE3 architectural question » 2013-08-11 17:00:29

Panagon wrote:

After reading more about the Publisher it is starting to look like a no-brainer. It seems a simpler and faster way to build, upload and maintain the website. With minimizing the use of the Export function I hope I can prevent my CPU fan to wear out before I am done with project...... smile

I sat playing with the Publisher for 5 hours last night. It's unreal how simple it makes maintaining your galleries. I spent plenty of time fiddling around and have only had the TTP Plugins for 2 days, and know my way around a computer better than most, but I can't get over how easy this makes it. My sister in law and a mate who both want websites they can easily update with new photos are not that great with the more fiddly parts of computers. But once set up they don't need anything more than a simple crib sheet if somehow they got stuck.

1) create an album
2) give it a title, a template, password if you want (I had a password on my Wedding template)
3) drop images in
4) hit publish

Made an edit? Hit publish. Removed or added a photo? Hit publish. Changed your watermark? Hit publish.

The silly thing is that there are people out there with Lightroom that want a website that don't know about TTG. They think what ships from Adobe is all there is and that in itself is a travesty.

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