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If you use CRG Publisher, you need to paste this into the Publisher/Page Content/Page Copy (md) input area.
However, the legend displays on all pages, not just the first despite CRG template settings under Content/Descriptions area of Display On Page (ON) and Display On All Pages (OFF).
Can it be made to float below the navigation area but stick to the top of the windows when the user scrolls down? Having it appear above the navigation area just seems weird to me ...
Is it possible/advisable to move the CRG status bar to the bottom of the windows rather than where it sits at the top by default? Custom CSS?
Ahhh – I don't use a masthead so that would be why I'm not seeing one!
I've been refining the appearance of my website's blog and have discovered that header tag usage doesn't seem to follow any consistent or logical hierarchy. While I realize that Google's use of headers is unclear and not particularly well documented, the existing hierarchy doesn't follow any of the rather well researched SEO guidelines, most notably SEO Journal
"The proportion of the H1’s influence on rankings compared to the overall picture has diminished over time, but is still an important ranking factor to many of the top minds in the SEO industry."
and Vertical Measures. Even Google weighs in (p20) ...
"Heading tags are an important website component for catching the user's eye, so be careful how you use them!"
For example, the only place an <H1> tag is used directly by the TTG CE4 theme is in "comments.php" when there is more than 1 page of comments to display (there is another but it's in the file "touchnswipe.cfg.js") ...
<h1 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Comment navigation', 'loc' ); ?></h1>
I think an H5 or H6 is more appropriate here.
Here's what I would like to see...
For Posts and Pages, the main title should be H1 and the subtitle (via the optionally supported plugin) should be H2.
I would like to see H3 and H4 set aside for user use (I use them to break a post or a page into "sections").
Sidebar Widget Titles could be H5 or H6
Even if they don't help in Google's ranking, they make for better page layout and structure and can visually reinforce keywords and page sections. From my perspective, anything that makes my site more user friendly and easier to engage with I will use; it's all about the UX.
I am going to update my theme to reflect these settings and would be delighted to see them adopted by TTG's CE4 WordPress theme. It certainly can't hurt!
PS. I realize that CE4 Pages, Autoindex, Stage and Gallery only use H2 as well. The Stage fullscreen-flip uses H2 for each image but in Autoindex and Gallery it is used for the gallery title and that seems inconsistent to me as well. Not too sure yet what I'd like to see here...
Hi Ben,
I've updated my 3 ttg-be templates (1 CE4 Gallery and 2 variants of CE4 Stage), 4 lines in each and that seems to have fixed the problem. However I also find 4 occurrences of the same string inside the CE4 Gallery template_single.php file. Shouldn't this be updated as well?
I'm using Pages for my home page and have recently updated it using Lr Publisher using a Stage fullscreen-flip gallery template. Now the home page no longer contains proper links for the image sources in the social media links.
For example ...
<link rel="image_src" href=""/> should now point to
<link rel="image_src" href=""/>
Likewise these are also bad ...
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
<meta name="twitter:image" value=""/>
<meta name="twitter:image:src" value=""/>
Note that prior to replacing the home page gallery for the first time, the links are OK. But once updated using Publisher, the links no longer point to the right place so this breaks Twitter cards, etc.
I've had to jerry-rig this by FTP copying the new updated images to the old referenced location (/photos/) and things work OK. Note that the old images are left behind as are the thumbnails but for my purposes that doesn't seem to be a problem. It might be for other gallery types.
Webfonts make the web a more beautiful place. Find out how to add Adobe Typekit fonts to TTG galleries!
Hi Liam,
Check out my latest blog post at where I lay out what you need to do to get site-wide support for the EU-Cookie Law.
The blog home page is now up and running!
As I note above I've make extensive use of LayerSlider on this page to highlight the changes made for this version.
Check it out at
Thanks Matt!
It is still a work in progress. I've fixed it so ENTER goes to /blog/ for now.
BTW -- where ENTER goes is now controlled through a RewriteRule in .htaccess so, again, I can dynamically change it without having to go into the Web module in LR (always a plus for me).
I have loaded the Layer Slider plugin and will be making use of that on what is now "Welcome" ...
At last!
Some of you may recognize me from the work I did with Matthew a few years back. My old site (pre CEx) was sorely out of date style wise. It didn't support mobile devices very well and maintenance, while it was much better than my Version 1, still had some ways to go.
All of that has been solved and much more.
Goals for this version were:
1) new brand,
2) mobile friendly,
3) significantly easier to update content,
4) be a bit quicker on the response end.
Goal 1 was achieved through the awesome help of petra andersson-pardini.
Goal 2 was achieved through Matt's CE4 plugins (specifically Pages, Stage, Gallery and WordPress theme).
Goal 3 was achieved through two means:
making exclusive use of the LR Publisher support offered by Pages and Stage to update galleries and the home page, and
by having all but the home and gallery pages housed in WordPress.
Goal 4 has been partly achieved through the use of two facilities:
WP-Rocket, a premium WordPress caching plugin, and
CloudFlare, a free worldwide Content Delivery network (CDN)
Check out bluehost and CloudFlare – they're pretty awesome!
Given that I am running on a shared server platform, the response is acceptable for now. It would cost more to get better response I believe.
Through the use PHPlugins and custom CSS I am able to
1) develop and maintain the entire sites menu structure through WordPress,
2) make use of Adobe's Typekit,
3) add site-wide support for the EU-Cookie Law, and
4) add the Creative Commons declaration in the footer.
All in all, I am very happy with the results.
Check it out at john bishop | images
Any constructive comments always welcome!
Some additional thoughts ...
1) For all "archive" pages (i.e. search results, /tag/..., /category/..., /author/...) you omit all the OG/Twitter tags except for the home /blog/ page. Bug?
2) If you think you might go with "blog-wide" images (please!), perhaps allow for the specification of an image for each class of archive page (i.e. one for is_tag(), one for is_category(), ...).
This results in the social media URL scrapers not finding a valid set of images, etc, notably Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. LinkedIn seems to grab a couple of images but one of them is the bluehost advertising image and that is one I likely never want selected to post. Google+ seems OK(?).
Further the Facebook Open Graph Object Debugger ( fails with several error messages when I enter my test site WP URL at
Object at URL '' of type 'website' is invalid because a required property 'og:image:url' of type 'url' was not provided.
Errors That Must Be Fixed
Object Missing a Required Value Object at URL '' of type 'website' is invalid because a required property 'og:image:url' of type 'url' was not provided.
Also, would it be possible to add a "site wide" Feature Image theme option so that the WP theme will use that if it doesn't find one?
Any idea when R2D2 gets rebooted?
Got it. But some weirdness persists ...
The ID plate now correctly points to the site root at all screen sizes. When I reduce my browser window size to below Mobile Breakpoint or browse the site on my iPhone, the menu flips into "mobile" mode correctly. If I click on the menu drop down triple bar beside the ID plate, all the links inside this drop down work correctly. All good so far ...
However, at this size, when I click on the ID plate, nothing happens. On hover, the pointer changes into a hand and the correct link shows in the browser window hint area (usually bottom left corner). I can either right-click on the desktop or tap-hold on my iPhone and subsequently open the link in a new tab/window but I can't do that directly from the ID plate. is live with the latest update...
Oops... I think I might have "spoke too soon"!
When the browser window is above the Mobile breakpoint value, the ID Plate links correctly back to the site root. But if you drop below the breakpoint, it still points to /blog/.
Thanks Matt.
With this update, CE4 Wordpress, the ID plate and navigation elements will behave the way the rest of CE4 components do!
I look forward to the next release.
Hey Matt,
Downloaded the latest beta to see if it would solve a menu problem I am running into, but it doesn't
Eventually I hope to drive all my menus through the WordPress menu facility using PHPlugins. None of that work has started because I'm trying to get the menus to function correctly within WordPress first.
However, as soon as I build a multi-level menu within Wordpress and assign it to the CE4 theme, my integrated Identity Plate no longer aligns left. You can see it at This also happens inside Lightroom if I enable Multi-level navigation even though the Identity Plate Alignment is set to left. Also, the Identity Plate no longers links back to "/" but links to "/blog/" which isn't consistent with the rest of Identity Plate behaviour in CE4.
As well, the size of the drop down menu item is much wider when right justified than it needs to be (it is much narrower with left justified menus).
Thanks for this guys! Made this relatively easy for me to accomplish.
Couple of suggestions ...
1) Add the if statement shown below so that the PHPlugins version won't run under Wordpress or under Stage. That way you're not potentially stepping on the Wordpress plugin's toes or disrupting a nice full screen slideshow or video. It does mean re-enabling the Cookie Bar in the Wordpress plugin settings though.
function ttg_canvas_bottom( $style, $path){
echo '
2) I looked through cookielawinfo.js and if you have "Show Again" turned off in Wordpress, it never adds the Show Again block of text to the end of the HTML segment it inserts when the page loads. So ... delete the following code from the end of the "cli_show_cookiebar({ html:" segment.
<div id="cookie-law-info-again"><span id="cookie_hdr_showagain">Privacy & Cookies Policy</span></div>
If you're using "Wear Concrete Boots" for your footer, the screen jumps a bit, but it doesn't redisplay the Show Again segment as it isn't there anymore! And from how I read the code, that's the way it is designed to work, or it's a "feature"!
See it in action on my test site
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