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#1 2020-05-14 23:40:58

From: Montreal
Registered: 2013-02-26
Posts: 1,299

masthead customization

As seen I am using a graphic + a tag line as a masthead. It serves the site by being bilingual with the use of the language switch on the top left of the page.
Two issues here: first, I can't get the graphic (Marc Charlebois csc) to align with the tag line. I found that, in the Inspector, this code controls the graphic's position

div.masthead:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1) > h1:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1) {
  right: 15px;

So, I placed it in the CSS file. No change.

The second issue might or might not be related: there is a short twitch when changing language or moving to another page. Is this because the graphic might be too big? It's a png at 387px x 48px.


#2 2020-05-14 23:57:05

rod barbee
From: Port Ludlow, WA USA
Registered: 2012-09-24
Posts: 17,830

Re: masthead customization

Actually, without the css, the image and the tag line look aligned. In the image, there is space between the letters on the left and the actual left side of the image. Try creating new image cropped to the edge of the letters.

Or you could add padding-left to the tagline. That would probably be the simplest thing:

.masthead-primary .site__tagline {
padding-left: 12px;

Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site


#3 2020-05-15 00:26:13

From: Montreal
Registered: 2013-02-26
Posts: 1,299

Re: masthead customization

Works great! Also, no more "twitching"...Thanks

Last edited by pideja (2020-05-15 00:27:04)


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