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#1 2015-03-17 21:16:21

Registered: 2013-09-27
Posts: 18

CE4 CRG and migration tool support?

I'm looking to upgrade a CE3 site that makes use of CE3 CRG.  Does the migration tool work for CE3 CRG galleries now that the CE4 version of CRG is released.  In reviewing the documentation for the migration tool it implies that it would after CE4 CRG is available.



#2 2015-03-17 22:21:35

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2012-09-29
Posts: 4,399

Re: CE4 CRG and migration tool support?

Hi, I'm assuming you're referring to the migration tool that comes with Publisher?  If so, the migration tool does move CE3 CRG galleries to a CE4 instance.

I have just tried this out.  The steps I took:

1. Setup the CE4 CRG on the server.  This entails setting up ttg-be, ttg-be/crg and ttg-be/publisher, as documented

2. Uploaded a CE4 CRG template into ttg-be/templates/gallery/

3. Created a new Publisher instance that points to the equivalent location to the CE3 instance.  The CE3 instance API URL pointed to http://localhost/ttg/crg-migration-test/publisher/api/.  The new CE4 instance pointed to http://localhost/ttg/crg-migration-test/ttg-be/publisher/

4. Ran the migration tool (within LR: File -> Plug-in Extras -> Migrate galleries from CE3 Publisher to CE4 Publisher)

The albums from the CE3 instance were then managed by the CE4 Publisher, and had the look and feel of the CE4 template

Two further steps are needed to complete the process:

1. Migrated CRG galleries have feedback disabled by default, which is a limitation of the migration tool.  You'll need to double-click each CRG album and enable feedback in the Integration tab.

2. The fields that are available for feedback will be set according to the 'default' profile.  You'll want to update this profile to your own needs in the CRG admin console at ttg-be/crg/admin/


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