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#1 Re: General » Install on Mac OS X Server? » 2016-09-21 02:16:14

Mac OS X Server includes Apache, PHP and (I'm quite certain) SQLite so I'm hopeful. Usually when installing WordPress - for example - you need to create a database using with command line or PHPmyAdmin. The only think I'm not sure about is how Backlight connects with the SQL database.

Hoping to hear from someone who may have done - or failed to do - a Mac OS X Server install!

#2 General » Install on Mac OS X Server? » 2016-09-21 01:36:37

Replies: 4

Can I install Backlight on a local Mac OS X Server for testing?


#3 Backlight Support » Can I do this again... » 2016-09-21 00:26:08

Replies: 2

I last looked at TTG last year, before Backlight but didn’t make the jump. So I’m back again, asking the same question: Can I have a large image on its own page - rather than a pop-up - with a caption and other info below? I originally posted in … hp?id=5952

which was helpfully answered by Rod Barbee who demonstrated CE4 could do what I wanted … ingle.html

Can I do this with Backlight?

#4 Re: General » Can I do this...? » 2015-12-12 00:20:21

Hi Rob and many thanks for that info and test gallery.

I think you've shown I can do what I'd like with TTG. But, naturally, I have more questions!

I'm going to guess the metadata used to build the caption and keyword text on each photo page came directly from Lightroom (in a way I'm still unsure about but no matter). I had a quick peek at the metadata in one of your pictures "barbee_11924" from the page … ingle.html and found it doesn't have any embedded info. Maybe you don't embed the caption etc data into your JPEGs, or maybe it gets stripped out somewhere along the line. I'd want to be sure anyone who downloaded any of my pictures also received the caption, contact and copyright metadata I always include. Can I do that? Obviously if I had the TTG CE4 Cart and sold digital licences my clients would need the caption too!

I read you can have password protected galleries. But can I make people register and login before they can visit and/or be allowed to download certain galleries? So I'd have public galleries and others where only certain 'invited' people can browse. Ideally I'd like to know who logged in and when rather than have to give out the same password to a number of people. Oh, and can you create 'hidden' galleries which don't show up in your gallery view or list but can be accessed directly via its URL?

I'm sure I'll have even more questions later!

Many thanks again.

#5 General » Can I do this...? » 2015-12-11 18:54:16

Replies: 4

I'm looking at TTG and wondering if I can...

All of the demo sites I've looked at show individual images in some kind of pop-up or overlaid screen. I'd like my users to click a thumbnail and be taken directly to what TTG describes as the permalink page. I kinda sorta think from looking through the docs this may be possible. Is it? OTOH you'd have thought I'd have seen someone do this if it was.

I see you can add the Title and Caption to show below an image in the permalink page. I also think I could make the Title read the IPTC Headline. But can I add other IPTC and have it show up? Say I wanted to have:

IPTC City, IPTC State, IPTC Country

Could I find some way of doing this?

Lastly, am I limited in design choice by what Lightroom can produce? As I understand TTG creates a template which I can modify. I don't think I can bring an existing WordPress design in and use that, or can I?


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