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#2 Re: CE4 Gallery » CE4 Gallery - Thumbs and more » 2015-12-31 04:49:34

I can set width/height to the same size but it won't have an impact ... still no squares. is it a bug?

#3 Re: CE4 Gallery » CE4 Gallery - Thumbs and more » 2015-12-31 04:40:25

Thanks for your quick reply, most of my questions are answered.

Can you please give a little more detail on how I can set Iconic layout in the same way as on the auto index pages? for gallery, it turn out to look completely different, and there is no setting like aspect ration, etc. I'd just like to have my thumbs look like squares, and let CE4 decide where to cut the photo to make it square.

Thanks for your help,

#4 CE4 Gallery » CE4 Gallery - Thumbs and more » 2015-12-31 04:14:38

Replies: 6


I am using Auto Index, Gallery, Publisher and Stage (all latest version), and here's my question:

- Gallery: I'd like to get all thumbs squares, exactly the same way I have set it up for auto index (iconic, aspect ratio 16/16). there is no overlay, title or whatsoever needed - just want the thumbs square and lined up in a grid (4-5 columns). I used an older version of gallery and it was working fine, but I was not able to find this for CE4 Gallery. can you help?

- auto index and stage: I'd like to use some albums/photos with stage. can I upload to the same folder and will it show up in auto index?

- publisher: is publisher supporting auto index too (sorry if that a trivial question, but was not able to find an answer)?

- publisher: can I manage stage pages with publisher too?

Thanks for your responses,

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