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#1 CE4 Theme for WordPress » CE3 Theme For Wordpress in Lightroom 4 (missing theme and style sheet) » 2015-04-21 03:23:51

Replies: 1

1: I tried uploading a new theme but it says it is missing a template and style sheet when I try to install the theme. There is no icon in the appearance>theme>install new theme. Seems lightroom is not generating either of these files.

2: In my gallery, I am trying to autoindex the folders but it is looking for them in a double nested directory on the server that I don;t want. How do I specify the exact location of where the chosen gallery index link in galleries.php goes. It'd be nice if it would do it automatically adjust but just being able to edit the file where the gallery indexes take you would be fine.

3: How do I set up a phplugins folder useful to enable phplugins in lightroom?

Reference to relevant links is appreciated.

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