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#3 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Missing Send Feedback Icon » 2019-02-24 10:14:37

It didn't like the hex value in quotes ("#000000"), but accepted your suggestion. Thanks.

#4 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Missing Send Feedback Icon » 2019-02-24 09:03:40

Hi Rod,

Thank you for your help. Yes, I am using the Gallery Help and do have instructions, however, your solution with changing the icon to text will make my instructions clearer. I still wish there was a more intuitive way to display all of the options in the open on the taskbar.

I can't seem to change the font color from red. Is there a way to override that color?


#5 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Virtual Copies not publishing correct image file » 2019-02-23 18:19:49


I just downloaded and installed BL2 this month and am experiencing the same issue with virtual copies not publishing properly. Are there any updates to this issue?

#6 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Missing Send Feedback Icon » 2019-02-23 17:43:52

Update: I found the Submit button appears only when the heart icon at the top right is clicked.  Is there a way to display the Submit button on status bar next to the heart icon so users can click it directly?

#7 Backlight 2 Support » How To Apply Menu Set to CRG » 2019-02-23 17:31:36

Replies: 2

I created a new menu set and would like to apply it to a specific Client Response Gallery I published. How is this done?

#8 Backlight 2 Support » Missing Send Feedback Icon » 2019-02-23 17:30:24

Replies: 9

After publishing a CRG, the icon for the sending feedback is missing on the status bar. Please advise.

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