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#2 Re: Backlight Support » Metadata returned in Client Feedback » 2018-05-03 05:42:05

Thanks for the reply.

The UUID is one of the available metadata tokens that holds LRs internal unique identifier for the photo. I can display it along side a photo, but would like to find some way of getting it back in the feedback so I can have a go at updating LR through its API/LUA

#3 Backlight Support » Metadata returned in Client Feedback » 2018-05-02 15:47:37

Replies: 5


Just started with TTG and quickly getting my mind around it.

Is it possible for the client feedback to automagically update LR and if not, is it possible to modify the image metadata in the feedback email, for example to include the UUID and if so, how would I go about getting it working?



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