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#1 Re: Backlight Support » Backlight response file list typo? » 2018-06-05 06:33:03

Thanks!  Its amazing its such a relatively benign result.  If there was going to be a glitch I would have thought it would produce gibberish!!

#2 Backlight Support » Backlight response file list typo? » 2018-06-05 05:09:42

Replies: 2

A client returned a selection of 211 photos (as counted by Backlight and shown in the email to me as photographer).  But when I pasted the file names into Lightroom it returned some 400 odd photos.  When I examined the file list more closely one of the files names had had a space introduced, so that it read "_DSC54 95".  It appears that this caused Lightroom to select all files containing "_DSC54" and / or all files containing "95".

I report this in case it is an error anyone else encounters and in case anyone knows why the typo would occur?

Best to all!

#3 Re: Backlight Support » Updating Published Collections » 2018-04-08 06:40:58

Thanks again.  No option was presented so I assume then that it was just doing the single upload.  Takes a lot longer than I expected (at least twice as long as CE3 for an equivalent size album) but I am not complaining!  Its very slick!   And that's a nice feature to be able to update all albums in a batch!

#4 Backlight Support » Updating Published Collections » 2018-04-08 05:30:19

Replies: 4

When I create a new album, and click on "Publish", the status message is, as noted above. "Updating Published Collections".  This implies to me that it is updating all of the albums I currently have up.  Is that correct?  If so is it possible to make it update/publish only the new album?


#5 Re: Backlight Support » Template not found error » 2018-04-07 06:00:40

Thank you again!!!!

I'm a photographer not a programmer, as you can tell and having this help is invaluable!

#6 Re: Backlight Support » Template not found error » 2018-04-07 05:30:45

I'm sorry Rod - but can you please explain something.  I published a gallery with the client response add on activated.  When I navigate to the URL for the gallery it asks me for an email and password.  Its not my admin credentials - where and how do I set the email and password that it is looking for, and can I de-activate password protection for the gallery?

Many thanks again!!

#7 Re: Backlight Support » Template not found error » 2018-04-07 03:36:33

Ohhhhh.  So just a capitalization error on my part in the url???  Thanks so much!!

#8 Re: Backlight Support » Template not found error » 2018-04-07 02:53:51

As suggested in the sticky "Getting Help Faster"  the password to Guest (Guest Updater) is Backlight1976.  The URL that pints to the error message I received for the gallery I am attempting to create is

Thank you to anyone who can assist!

#9 Backlight Support » Template not found error » 2018-04-07 01:13:16

Replies: 7

I believe I installed Backlight correctly and made a template with User Response activated.  I received a message in the Designer that the template had been successfully added and indeed it shows up as a template choice when I make a new gallery.

However, after completing the upload process I receive this error message when I navigate to the gallery's URL:

"Unable to find pageTemplate with ID 77. Try updating the selected template for the application. in EngineFactory.php on line 71"

I know very, very little about web design and even less about php.  Any help or suggestions are most gratefully received!


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