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Pages: 1
i have same trouble and after few test (with demo on) crg mailing is ok.
but mail sended are considered PHISHING because its some URL inside
(and maybe adress of sender not showed.)
my test with crg settings DEMO MODE: ON ( both mails send to client and photographer)
strangly on both mails are considered PHISHING and doesnt appear nowhere both mails are spam classified but on mailbox
this 2 accounts have exactly the same security option i check it
i test also my personnel mail adress associated to my provider both mails are considered PHISHING and doesnt appear nowhere
i test on the client mail are ok
and the mail to photographer are in spam
whitch file contain the mail composition?
this file only? (../ttg-be/crg/application/dao/ResponseDAO.php)
other files?
how add user's ip in adress field to avoid spam classification? (my ip is dynamic .. )
ok thanks
you can close this topic
i have a solution for this "Downloading All Images at Once", its work in progress but its functionnal ...
sorry all screen captures is in french but you can understand i think.
how is work:
-creating 2 buttons in the gallery menu
-upload 3 php files on your server
first attribute some links in menu in the gallery setting
one link to zip the /photos (pictures directory ) (zipper)
one to download it on pc (downloader)
now i work on 3 php files: (my codes are bad but functional )
- this file to send 1 time in the root/galleries directory by ftp
zipper_directory_recursive.php (this php function to zip all files and directory in a location (in this case our /pictures directory))
- this files to send each time in your galleries/gallery
zipper.php (here is the command by using previous function to compress the directory to get file in the gallery directory)
download-all.php (here is the command to download the file to the client computer in the default download directory of navigator )
maybe the compress step is useless because photographer can make it itself.
but i thing its funny to try to make gallery menu more usefull and also to re create new zip if pictures are modified by the CE4 publisher
next step for me is to try with the CE4 publisher template (gallery template + the 2 files.php) if the new gallery are each time upload with this files to avoid to upload the 2 php files in each new gallery.
next step for this week end: making a demo gallery to show to you how its work
next step use the CSS of the gallery to accord with your liking
next step share the code to better developper than me
next step learn better english language
i (re) start a website with my work
i hope client and i will be ready when they come (if they come ) ...
maybe later when i have effective client i buy some plug for lightroom or backlight ... (later)
for now ... no solution to have the CE4 CRG ?
ps: and behind the word CLIENT isnt all time money
i prefer the part RESPONSE in CRG
Its possible to buy CE4 CRG ? (if yes, price?)
i will complete my CE4 , i have page, gallery, publisher
and i use ttg-highslide-pro-2011 (obsolete but still functionnal)
I know your new program but its too expensive for now (my budget )
(sorry for my poor english)
oh ... ok
i use this for windows 10 and its ok
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Web Galleries\
Hi all
i have few time a pop up windows with "plugin installation error"
i try to read the doc within understanding the problem
here is screen capture to better explain
i have decompress the ce4 gallery in the same place of other webengine in lightroom
i have the same trouble with CE4-pages
what's wrong?
( i try close lightroom, delete the ce4 stufs from lightroom, re install = no result same error message)
Pages: 1