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Sorry Rod,
I don’t now as tell this problem
I can not select a feedback profile when I have a Privat (requires cline account)
When I have a Gallery whit protected or public access, I can select the profile from Lightroom.
When I have a privet - Gallery, I can’t change the feedback profile.
The Clint sees whatever I select as feedback profile, the same (whit the Id=1)
You can see on my screen shot the selected profile won't registered on the Database.(see the last entry)
It is only possibility change the feedback on the database
I assign the feedback profile
Save my selection
But now I have feedback profile “Null”
Hey Rod,
I have the same issues.
When I select the assigned feedback profile then it writes me on the database “Null”(the feld is empty).
I can change only the feedback profile on the database.
i found why i have this problem.
I can not select the "Feedback Profile" under the Clint manager.
Do you have an idea why?
On Daterbase ->admin/master.sq3 → client_album collumn: "feedback_profile_id" I can change this. The Galery work whit the corect options.
After a change this on der Backlight Clint manger it writ me on collumn "feedback_profile_id" a "NULL"
Hello together,
I have with the BL2 - Client Response Galerie a problem.
The CRG and the feedback work when I set the Features - Visibility on "PUBILC" .
When I set the visibility on "Private - requires Client account and access" and load the page, then the log in is successful, but then the following ERROR message appears:
"The client response module is currently unavailable
The feedback profile could not be found. Please contact the photographer for further assistance."
I also fond a mistake:
In the Admin Menu > Client Response > Feedback > after selecting a Feedback number > click on "Update Feedback", I see a wrong name and mail address
Thank you for your help
Hey Community,
I have a solution for the required checkbox on contact forms.
I have on the backlight seitting > contact forms > required fields label
Set-in following code
* Pflichtfelder<br><br><input type="checkbox" name="check-privet-police-ok" value=" " required> Sie erklären sich mit dem absenden damit einverstanden daß Ihre Daten zur Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens verwendet werden. Weitere Informationen und Widerrufshinweise finden Sie in der <a target="_blank" href="">Datenschutzerklärung</a>.<br>
I hope it’s help you
I now the new backlight have implemented IP-anonymize
But a don’t know we can use with the op out
Because of I use my code
here can see my code for google anonym IP … hp?id=8233
Additionally, I have signed a contract with Google for ‘order Processing’
What I know is op out in Germany. This is possible until 2019. We see what the futur say
I not taking about saving of the server
I want a checkbox before the Clint can send me a message about the contact form.
Is that possibil ?
Yes the European siteoperator have new private policies law.
- Whit the Clint response Gallery, we can inform our clint’s before send the password.
- Whit the contact forms we mu’st have a check in (op in) button.
Ben can you help us this to realizing
Best regards
Okay thank you
I like your work and the support
I have use the css
The next question is complicate
It is possible show the tre Filter of crg permenet as in old baklight crg ?
But the new button is for Clint’s complicated to understand for set the filter and sent the feedback
Thanks you all
I use iphon 8
Whit iphon 7 is same Problem
The look of pangolin is very nice (bravo) but the cart or crg Windows is not good
I have here a screenshoot for you:
(If I may remind you what you were several symbols in the crg Gallery easier to understand )
Hey Rob
I dont now wher i can find this Option
I have Change the Option all Metadata to Copyright
It is Same
Hey jim
I think Not that this a Problem with bowser Cache
What is a Server Cache ?
Wher a can check this ?
Hello Comuninity
I have noticed that the windows from Shooting-Cart and the CRG not represent good
with the mobile presentation.
Whit “Backlight Standard Page“ is that not a problem Lock this Gallery:
Whit „Pangolin Page“ is the position and scaling and position not optimal
Show this Gallery:
The next question is whit Publisher.
When I change a photo with LR and re-update the Gallery.
The new phots can I see on the gallery but photo change doesn’t show.(The Photo have the first look not the change)
Thank you for the help
it work
Thank you very much!
This is the code wich a use:
I have use the new google - analytic - code and have integrated the option for give clients can deactivate Google Analytic
/* Google Analytics
========================================================================== */
function ttg_head( $style, $path ) {
echo <<<SCRIPT
<!-- Opt-Out-Cookie -->
// Set to the same value as the web property used on the site
var gaProperty = 'UA-xxxxxxxx-x';
var disableStr = 'ga-disable-' + gaProperty;
// Disable tracking if the opt-out cookie exists.
if (document.cookie.indexOf(disableStr + '=true') > -1) {
window[disableStr] = true;
// Opt-out function
function GAOptOut() {
document.cookie = disableStr + '=true; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 UTC; path=/';
window[disableStr] = true;
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'UA-xxxxxxxx-x', { 'anonymize_ip': true });
return false;
} // END /**/
Thank you Matthew, but is not work
The script appears about the masthead.
When I analyze thy sorce code abut Firefox
She say me the header close without to open ?
Thank you Matthew,
ich have tested this and that have don't work
This is what the Server say me:
"Something went wrong
Unexpected error: syntax error, unexpected '_setAccount' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in phplugins-sample.php on line 27
Please report error at" :-)
The Code what a have us is that:
function ttg_head( $style, $path ) {
echo '<script>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXX-X', '');
ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);
ga('send', 'pageview');
return false;
} // END /**/
The PHP line 27 is
but i have not good experience whit php i will wait of the next update
Thank you Jim
your code supporter not the anonymiz IP
i search a way to insert " ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);" on the line.
the write the code on php plug and switch of "Google Analytics Web Property ID" has not work :-(
have you a idea
Hello Community,
i must anonymize the IP addresses before to send it.
This ist legally required.
i want chang the code.
see the exampel
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXX-X', '');
ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);
ga('send', 'pageview');
can your help me ?
Hello community,
Did anyone find a solution the topic (download all pics of the gallery whit one click)
Hey Community,
Könnte jemand das Downloaden aller Bilder mit einen Klick realisieren ?
Die Bilder liegen im Unterordner (Photos-for-Download) in hoher Auflösung .....
I have writ whith Rod because of this problem he say me :
Sorry Jalal, but I can't tell what's wrong. I even tried creating a new menu set, but even then was unable to add items to it.
My guess is that there may be a permissions issue. I only say that because I tried looking at the designer database table and got a Forbidden error.
But that's beyond my knowledge
Please post the problem to the forum as a new topic so that Ben or Matt can take a look. They'll likely need Backlight admin credentials. Ben may also ask for FTP access.
Hello, i want give you feedback with my problem.
Its was the new security software from my Hosting.
Thank too much you for your help
Album is the same option is equal I do not know ...
I'm desperate...
I think it is a problem with my hosting
I haved opened a support ticket.
I can tell you what they me say.
Can you explain my what for communication telegram have lightromm to server
is it HTTP ??