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#1 Re: CE4 Gallery » Large image Gallery disappeared when I updated Pages » 2018-02-19 20:22:00

Thank you. In trying to make some shortcuts, I'd forgotten to copy mobile.php across to the server when I created the new CE4 Pages files and folders. Fix now. Thanks again.

#2 CE4 Gallery » Large image Gallery disappeared when I updated Pages » 2018-02-19 17:38:47

Replies: 2

I made a minor amendment to my About page on my website by uploading (to the server) a new batch of files created by CE4 Pages. That worked fine except I seem to have lost the large image gallery on the index page (very large photos appearing every few second). The Gallery seems OK on my desktop, but not my iPhone or iPad which refers to a missing photo that was never intended to be shown but which I would have had displayed in the Web module when I created the CE4 Pages files.

How do I get my Gallery back on the Index (Home) page?

Thank you.

#3 Re: CE4 Gallery » security patch » 2017-12-02 03:04:50

Thanks both. All my galleries have been uploaded from LR using Publisher. Sorry, I'm not very technical on these things but it sounds from Ben's advice that I need not do anything. Although if I've understood Rod's advice, I should upload the template again.

#4 Re: CE4 Gallery » security patch » 2017-12-01 07:07:52

Thanks Rod. I hadn't realised that in unzipping, a number "2" had been added (because the original was also in my downloads folder). So that's saved me a problem. Thank you.

SO, now that I've replaced the lrwebengine on my computer, to actually apply the security patch do I need to upload or export something from the web module of LR onto the hosting server?  If so, what? Or was the potential security flaw on my computer fixed by replacing the lrwebengine?

#5 CE4 Gallery » security patch » 2017-12-01 00:25:40

Replies: 6

Can I just check how I best install the security patch released for CE gallery earlier this month?

I've downloaded and revealed CE4-Gallery-2.lrwebengine

Do I simply replace the similarly named webengine in the path (on a Mac)  Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Web Galleries/   with the new lrwebengine?

Am I going to lose any gallery or other settings by doing this?

Anything else I need to do to ensure the workflow is identical to before?

#6 Re: CE4 Publisher » CE4 Publisher password protection » 2016-10-23 06:42:42

Thanks Rod. I removed the period. Didn't make a difference. Then I completely changed the username and password in Publisher and it worked. I don't know whether having a three letter password was the problem. Whatever, all good now. Many thanks for your prompt responses.

#8 CE4 Publisher » CE4 Publisher password protection » 2016-10-23 01:54:16

Replies: 5

I'm a bit baffled by this problem: I've created a new Gallery template with guest password protection and uploaded it. I've created a new Gallery in Publisher and selected the appropriate template. Everything works fine until I input the username and password from my web browser (i.e. the username/password I defined in the "Features" tab of "edit album" in CE4 Publisher). The page just reloads with two empty username/password fields.

I've obviously checked many times that the username and password are being carefully entered correctly. What have I done wrong.

(If I uncheck the password protect then the gallery correctly reloads without asking for a password)


#9 Re: CE4 Auto Index » Re-order gallery thumbnails » 2016-02-09 07:58:39

Ahh. I see. That's it. Thanks for your help. I'd changed it at the root level to make the first set of thumbnails in reverse order but hadn't realised.

I'll also consider your advice on template names too. I assume that is changed in LR in TTG CE4 Publisher. Would that be the 'Album' field, the 'Album title' field or the 'slug' field (the latter seems to populate itself and replaces the periods with hyphens?

For other readers learning from this - the correct path to find the autoindex-view.php is:


#10 Re: CE4 Auto Index » Re-order gallery thumbnails » 2016-02-08 06:49:38

I'm trying to reverse the order of the display of thumbnails here:    so that most recent date is at the top

I've changed $reverseit = false; to $reverseit = true; in the file /lib/autoindex/autoindex-view.php  by editing the file on the server.

I've then refreshed the page but there is no change.  I'm probably missing something simple, but what?

#11 Re: CE4 Publisher » Something went wrong when I used Publisher to manage my Home page » 2015-11-14 21:31:46

Thanks very much Rod.

If anyone was wondering about my other problem i.e. losing my index of galleries on my Galleries page, the moral of the story is don't simply upload a whole new set of CE4 pages files if you want to tweak your website design, because they overwrite the Galleries folder which contains all the automatically generated folders and files created by the Publisher function in Lightroom. That's probably pretty obvious to most people!

thanks again.

#12 CE4 Pages » inserting html without php plugins? » 2015-11-14 21:26:32

Replies: 2

I wish to insert some 3rd party html (a badge with a link) onto my Services page (labelled "Books" on my website)
I've looked at the instructions for php plugins and as a non-expert it scares me to death!

Is there an easy one-off way to insert html code by editing the services.php file that is created by CE4 Pages? and if so, where would I insert the following:

<a style="padding:0px; margin:0px; border:0px;" href=""><img alt="Check out my books" src="" style="padding:0px; margin:0px; border:0px;" title="Check out my books" /></a>

#13 Re: CE4 Publisher » Something went wrong when I used Publisher to manage my Home page » 2015-11-08 08:22:17

Thanks Rod.

I don't own CE4 Stage. However, I've exported and uploaded a new CE4 Pages with more images selected and this now gives me the side show I was looking for. It needs some design changes like moving the image down but I'll figure that out.

So, can I change these images using Lightroom Publisher? Or, do I just need to re-export and publish a new version of CE4 Pages if I want to change the images which show on the Home page?

The other problem remains. I'm afraid that I've still lost the index of galleries on the Galleries page. I'm puzzled by this because I have not changed the auto index and in the Appearance panel of my new CE4 Pages template I see that in the AutoIndex section, the Page Assignment still has Galleries selected. I haven't changed this, and it seemed to be working before.

Really appreciate your help with they Rod.

#14 CE4 Publisher » Something went wrong when I used Publisher to manage my Home page » 2015-11-08 03:54:19

Replies: 5

It was all going fairly well setting up my first website with the CE4 publishing suite.

I had a single image on my Home page, and I had a nice index page on the "Galleries" link which linked to all my pictures.

The small change I wanted was to have my home page as a slideshow of large images rather than just one large image.

I followed the instructions but have now lost my gallery index page and I have home page which is a grid layout rather than a single image slideshow.

Here is what I did:
I assumed that I should be using CE4 Gallery to design a single image slideshow for the home page. I had been using CE4 pages for the single image homepage, so I copied my CE4 pages templates into a new CE4 Galleries template (everything from the word Style to the end as usual).

I then uploaded the new gallery template into TTG-BE>templates>galleries. I also exported and then uploaded a new CE4 pages template with the option to allow page replacement by CE4 published ticked.

I then used publisher to upload some some new images following the instructions and selecting my new Home page template in publisher.

What did I do wrong? I'm not quite sure which product I should be using to design my Home page (with a slide show of images) so that I can update it in publisher. Should I have used CE4 Pages and save that as a template rather than using CE4 Gallery? 

Grateful for any help you could give.

#15 Re: General » How do I update the gallery index page design? » 2015-09-29 06:30:47

Thanks Rod. I'm getting there, but very slowly.

One of the problems I have is that if I want to make a slight incremental change to the design of my website (I'm not referring to adding images, I just mean the design), then I don't know whether I'm supposed to be making changes to Pages, Galleries, Auto-Index or all three.

I made the changes in Pages as you suggested and exported, but then wasn't clear on which of the exported files and folders I should be uploading.

For example the export creates a folder called "galleries" with "custom-thumbnails", index.php, and gallery.xml. However, the equivalent folder on my server (previously exported from the design that I want to change) also contained folders that seemed to be automatically created when I published some albums via Publisher in LR. So I deliberately didn't overwrite that folder for fear of losing too much. As a non-expert, I'm not comfortable trying to guess which files and folders to upload and which should overwrite existing files/folders.

Your advice partially worked in that it has changed the design of the galleries page (I wanted two wide thin columns on the galleries page, and that is what I've got), but I seem to have lost the images that represent each album.

Thanks for your help.

#16 General » How do I update the gallery index page design? » 2015-09-28 03:45:42

Replies: 3

I'm a new user using CE4 Web Publisher package. I've used Pages, and Gallery to produce the design and I'm using AutoIndex and the Publisher bit of Lightroom.

I've finally got something resembling a website up and running, but I want to chance the design of the gallery index page. I've made the changes in AutoIndex, and copied the resultant exported files into the "ttg-be>templates" area of the server.

The changes I've made don't appear.

Presumably I need to copy the changes from the auto-index template somewhere? Do I copy it to the Pages template in Lightroom and republish? Or to the Gallery template in Lightroom and republish? Or something else?

#17 General » Very basic new user question on CE4 Web publishing suite » 2015-09-07 05:11:02

Replies: 1

Sorry but this is a very basic question for a non-technical user who recently purchased the CE4 Web publishing suite.

I used to use an older turning gate gallery product where I just created a gallery and uploaded it.

With the new suite I don't quite understand the relationship between Galleries, Pages, Publisher and Auto Index and therefore what I'm supposed to do in each and in which order.

I've got as far as designing a basic website layout in CE4 Pages within LR, but it doesn't have any galleries yet. What next? Do I leave Pages and go to CE4 Galleries? How does Auto Index and Publisher fit into the workflow? Are these non-essential extras?

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