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#1 General » Download link for CE4 files » 2015-05-14 22:48:51

Replies: 1


I did something stupid and lost the previously downloaded files. Now I assume I should be able to download them again, but I cannot find the location. I don't have the original mail sent after the original purchase.

The only place on the website offering download options is basically the shop, but that isn't what I want.

Can you help me?

Best regards, Bart

#2 CE4 Theme for WordPress » CE4 Theme for Wordpress customisation not saved, updates lost » 2015-05-10 20:57:30

Replies: 1


I think I installed everything as described on the TTG website, basically I am just using the CE4 Theme for Wordpress and want a pretty basic website for publishing photo's from LR.

Now I use LR, goto the WEB tab, see the WP themes in the left column (user templates), example preview in the middle and the CE4 Theme for Wordpress with the sections (Layout Style, Site Info, ..) in the right column.

I selected the CE4 Theme for Wordpress - Gill and started to edit the various sections on the right (URL, title, navigation, ..). Preview looks good. Next I think I need to EXPORT the website (or Create Saved Web Gallery) and created a folder with the files (THEME) and I uploaded the folder to my Wordpress website THEMES folder. Again looks good LIVE.

But now after closing LR or navigating a bit around...I loose the customisation, gone are my settings for URL, title, ... and no possibility to restore my settings.

Am I missing a step, did I do something wrong or missed a step during installation. I assume you should be able to take THEME, customise it a bit, put it LIVE, go back to LR and make some additional customisations, save again etc.

Now I have to start all over again each time? That cannot be right?

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