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#1 Re: General » Lightroom 6 » 2015-04-29 04:08:41

I'm one of the users of highslide gallery. Works fine for Lightroom 5, but unfortunately, the pages seem to load in a flash on the screen and then disappear. I seemed to get it to work once, but there is definitely a bug in LR CC/6 preventing the earlier versions to work. Good to know I can upgrade. What's the learning curve of CE 4?

#2 Re: General » TTG support for lightroom 6 » 2015-04-29 03:46:03

an update. My earlier version of TTG does work in lightroom. Innitially, the preview rendering in the web module would not show, but after I clicked through the templates something kicked in and my pages show perfectly. It looks like a lot of new advancements are available in TTG 4. While I'm happy I don't have to redesign my website to update, I am due for a refresh and the new galleries look quite compelling. thanks.

#3 General » TTG support for lightroom 6 » 2015-04-29 03:16:24

Replies: 2

I have the first version of TTG from 2012 or earlier  (hthe TTG H ighlside Gallery CE3.1.4. I've been running it fine through lightroom 5 with no problems, but it no longer renders in lightroom 6 which I just upgraded to. Will TTG 4 be supported on lightroom 6. I  may need to upgrade

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