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#1 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Virtual copy not able to find match » 2015-09-14 23:40:36

Replies: 1


I have a problem with the TTG - response that I get in the clients email to me.
When then make a selection and the selection contains virtual copies in their selection, Lightroom cant find them since the filename is "wrong".

The gallery contains 2 images. One is the original file myfile_2001 and one is the virtual copy of that file.
If a client checks BOTH of them the response would be:

myfile_2001 shows up when filtering on filename. The virtual copy myfile_2001_1 is not found since there is no myfile_2001_1 filename only myfile_2001 and the _1 is added for a virtual copy.
How can this be fixed?

Best regards

#2 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Translations? » 2015-01-24 08:41:47

Yes, I think I've found them now.. didn't know you changed those things in Admin of CRG. A little confusing when some settings are in Lightroom and some are in the Admin. smile

#3 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 07:41:53

Yes! smile I will check my custom.css and Matt can check (when he gets the time) for the pointer-cursor for the rest.
Thanks for the help!

#4 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 06:44:19

well.. not to be that guy..but I think you are really wrong here smile
But that's me. Matt can probably check this out aswell if he (like me) is a web developer / web designer.
I will fix my custom.css and later on I will see if you will fix it for all other customers.

#5 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 06:35:59

Perhaps you can add it to the template -original CSS aswell? smile
I will have to find the custom-css now and make changes there myself big_smile

#6 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 06:05:54

Its not that hard to fix..
Add this CSS

.fa-fw:hover {
    cursor: pointer;

#7 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 05:47:29

I belive that the "write text" is confusing when you actually "click" on the button to check it.
Like the buttons you have in this BBcode-editor. Would be quite crazy if you put your mouse to hover over the button "B" and it showed the same pointer as when you try to write text in the message-textarea? smile
I would like to have the "hand"-pointer to all of the action-buttons in both the action-bar on the top.. aswell as "click" to check-image-button.
When you put your mouse to hover the "edit comment"-button.... or "download".. it will show the correct one..
Or in the bar on the top.. when you hover above the "X" to logout.. its the correct hand.. but NOT when I try to hover on top of either of the other ones? smile
It should display a hand on all of them.

#8 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 04:31:58

Seems to work quite nice smile I tried to check some and then put up another browser.. (FF and Chrome different sessions) and the checks was there.

When I'm in the statusbar or checking images that I like.. the pointer is a "text-type"-pointer and not a "click"-pointer?
I think that I like your orange color better than the blue I got now.

#9 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 04:15:58

Maybe I will have to try that.. but you will have only 1 URL for all clients/companies that they use to login?
Or can they login through the albums I publish?
Like unique URLs for login for each customer?

#10 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 03:15:17

Alright.. lets see if I get this right.

With the publisher I can login to the "Admin" and manage my customers there..  and give my clients an email and a password. Can the email be a username? Or does it have to be an email?
Then I can assign galleries to a client.

If I have Company X, they will have one login (only).. for example where the user can login and see "Album1, Album2, Album3".
I can't have several logins to the CompanyX? Like, etc.?

CompanyY will have a separate login ( and password.. and will only see their albums?

#11 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 02:36:04

The best thing would be that the cilents "selections" would be saved directly on the page.. as they click and I can see that in that "admin"? Never used it though.

Using the Publisher, can I setup different URLS aswell as different logins for every gallery that I send to the publisher?

#12 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-24 01:39:48

"Client selects and feedback are saved in real-time to the database. This allows clients to quit the gallery and resume at a later time, and prevents the accidental loss of work. "

What is "Publisher" then? I'm doing as I've always done with no:3-version.. and upload it to my FTP.. and then login as a guest.. and when I check my selections, they are not saved?
Is it another way to do this other than pressing "upload" ?

#13 CE4 Client Response Gallery » How can a client save their selection? » 2015-01-23 23:51:53

Replies: 25

Hi again!

Don't know how a client is supposed to save their selections to be able to continue with them later on?
Is there a button for saving or am I missing something?

Best regards

#14 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Translations? » 2015-01-23 23:50:41

Replies: 4

Hi guys!

Is it possible to make your own translation (into Swedish in my case) of things like the client email, the "thank you"-message, the status bar, the "send feedback"-form etc?

Today there are a lot of things that does not seem to be possible to translate using the form-fields in Lightroom.

Or do I have to "hack" your PHP-files

Best regards

#15 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Error message » 2015-01-23 01:04:17

I've followed this guide: … nstall_ce4

On my server I have:


#16 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Error message » 2015-01-23 00:59:52

Can't show it public.. but I can send you link in PM smile

#17 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Error message » 2015-01-22 09:05:47

Does not work for me hmm

"if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
    define('APPLICATION', 'crg');

That's what I can find in lib.php

#18 Re: CE4 Client Response Gallery » Error message » 2015-01-22 06:54:06

I've done this.. still the same error for me aswell hmm

#20 CE4 Client Response Gallery » Bug: Cant click on anything? » 2015-01-21 17:05:21

Replies: 3

Why cant I click on anything in the gallery?
There is no way that I can check and select images or click any of the icons. Not even the "edit comments"-icon is clickable.
Only thing I can click on is the image to get a larget preview

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