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#1 CE4 Gallery » Is there way to serve hi-res logo files to CE4 Gallery » 2014-11-24 02:41:54

Replies: 1

I noticed that on my iPad my Galleries setup located here the icon is low res for viewing on the computer but not on the iPad.

On CE4 Wordpress one has that option and its great but if there is a way to serve higher res images for mobile and tablet on CE4 Gallery I'd love to know.


#2 Re: CE4 Gallery » How do I reduce space on the gallery grid? » 2014-11-24 02:36:35

Thanks dully noted, I'll leave it as is but it would be great to have bigger images without having to fuzz with uploading thumbnails in the Iconic view but it is what it is - a great setup.

#3 CE4 Gallery » How do I reduce space on the gallery grid? » 2014-11-23 15:50:50

Replies: 3

I want to shorten the space noted by the arrows i.e. reduce padding or margin but I can't figure out which option in Lightroom for the CE4-Gallery plugin. Thanks in advance,



#5 Re: CE4 Gallery » Pixelated Gallery Thumbnail Album images, any ideas. » 2014-11-23 12:41:00

rod barbee wrote:

first thing to try is updating CE4-Gallery (and Publisher, if you need to update that) to the current version(s).

So in my case I'm going to use the CE4 Autoindex like I did in the previous post, the latest version.

#6 CE4 Gallery » Pixelated Gallery Thumbnail Album images, any ideas. » 2014-11-23 09:20:57

Replies: 4

Getting this weird view on all thumbnail images that are part of albums. If you notice, look at the top of all images and notice how they seem to repeat at least 5px or something like.

I checked the other albums and the same thing, I checked on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari and the same thing but its funny, the images on the main gallery thumbnail page don't seem to be affected.

Any ideas anyone.

Site url:


#7 Re: CE4 Publisher » Need Help, totally confused, I have some parts working but not really » 2014-11-23 09:13:50

Well, I just did and also replaced LR and re authenticated and it seems ok so I guess I'll see.

#8 Re: CE4 Publisher » Need Help, totally confused, I have some parts working but not really » 2014-11-23 09:09:02

Thanks Rod, is upgrading Publisher as easy as just replacing the files with the most updated one, at least this plugin and of the course the LR one as well.

#9 Re: CE4 Publisher » Need Help, totally confused, I have some parts working but not really » 2014-11-23 08:17:02

Oh my, yes finally, thank you so so so much Rod. I think I'm going to write up a quick setup for folks like. I believe this might be a problem for some potential customers who just want something quick.

When I'm done, I can send you a message or open a thread to share. Actually, I'm going to share it on my blog as well.

Again, thank you Rod, it would not have been possible without your help and Matt's !!!


#10 Re: CE4 Publisher » Need Help, totally confused, I have some parts working but not really » 2014-11-23 06:28:09

rod barbee wrote:

You're using CE4-Gallery as the Publisher template for your albums.

I suggested you name the Autoindex export "galleries" and replace the folder you originally had. You need to have an autoindex there to so that your albums and album sets will appear on the page.

This should be an Album Set that house my various Essays. Yes, I noticed that there is no template but when I click I can't select any other.

you need to export and upload an autoindex to ttg-be/templates/autoindex/ before a template will appear Album Set dialog box.

Ok, I just exported the autoindex and placed it as suggest

but when I go and setup an album set in Lightroom I get this and I can't choose the template


I closed LR and re-opened just before I attempted to create the LR album set.

If you haven't seen this yet, it helps explain how all this goes together:

Thanks, I'll have a look.

#11 Re: CE4 Publisher » Need Help, totally confused, I have some parts working but not really » 2014-11-23 05:44:29

rod barbee wrote:

the reason could be that the link goes to

the actual link to the gallery is:

what is supposed to be a /galleries/essays/ ? it has no Publisher template associated with it.

This should be an Album Set that house my various Essays. Yes, I noticed that there is no template but when I click I can't select any other.


Also, you should update your version of CE4-Gallery. You're using 6.0.0 RC5, the current version is 6.1.2
same with Autoindex. the current version is 7.0.4, you're using 7.0.3

Ok, but I'm not using CE4-Gallery based on your previous response I used Auto Index and called it galleries on export. Yes, I'll update the publisher I have to verify my order and download the latest version. Thanks

And while you're at it, update Publisher too. You're on 2.0.2. The current version is 2.1.3. There are some important updates … _changelog

#12 Re: CE4 Publisher » Need Help, totally confused, I have some parts working but not really » 2014-11-23 05:01:44

Thank Rod, that worked like a charm. Rod, any idea why when I click on Essays,  (an album set) I get an error but when I go the actual essay titled Mechanic from Lightroom it displays just fine. … /mechanic/

Thanks in advance again.


#13 CE4 Publisher » Need Help, totally confused, I have some parts working but not really » 2014-11-23 01:56:37

Replies: 13

Hello guys/gals,

Its nice to join the forum. I'm in the process of setting my entire TTG CE4 setup with my domain and I already have the wordpress theme setup, although I'm not sure if its setup correctly. It displays fine but I'm not sure if underneath the necessary options for it to work with the rest of the CE4 plugins is correct.

My goal is to have the TTG CE4 Wordpress theme as my main page ( instead of using TTG CE4 Pages) as I don't want to loose my SEO of my blog.

So after this, I setup a folder in my bluehost server called "galleries" located here:

And I got it to work ok, well at least display something.

Now my confusion continued to escalate as I got the ttg-be and auto index

No, I setup the ttg-be as I understood it and its lives alongside my galleries.

You see, I'm not sure if the ttg-be folder needs to within the galleries folder for a server path like this:

Also, I put the auto index folder ( set it up as best I could in LR) within the galleries


Again, not sure if it should in there or somewhere else.

Then, I setup the Publisher plugin in LR and I got it to work by publishing a few pages I guess, they are not even galleries here are some for example: … ult-album/

But I don't have the auto index page to look at these like in the documentation.

I would really appreciate some help in getting this sorted out, if you could please.

I'm not really interested in setting up phpplugin as I'm sure its over my head, imagine, I'm struggling with the basic setup so messing with files in php folder would really throw a wrench at me.

My end goal is to have my blog at then have have my galleries over at and be able use the Publisher plugin correct to serve my eventual galleries and eventually maybe switch from the descriptive galleries to the iconic, but that's later when I get grasp on this.

Thanks in advance,

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