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#1 Re: Backlight Support » Mobile problems with iPhone 6 IOS 10.3.1 » 2017-07-14 22:42:09

Ah, I hadn't realised it was Pangolin-only. Now I've read a bit more about Pangolin pages it makes sense. I created a new Pangolin Page Template, and Album Template using Slideshow, and can see that the workaround is now there. Just have to work out the other new settings now...

Many thanks, Chris

#2 Re: Backlight Support » Mobile problems with iPhone 6 IOS 10.3.1 » 2017-07-11 00:23:09


In your post above (11 May) you mentioned that a workaround in Fancybox will roll out in the Backlight 1.2 update. I've just updated to 1.2.1 and can't see any difference (nor mention of it in the release notes). Did the workaround make it into 1.2?

Many thanks, Chris

#3 Re: Backlight Support » Hidden galleries » 2016-05-16 21:56:15

Thanks for the reply Ben. Understood. I'll continue down the route I did for CE4 then and review if it does eventuate.

Regards, Chris

#6 Backlight Support » Hidden galleries » 2016-05-11 20:26:15

Replies: 2

We have a lot of hidden galleries. In CE4 I was manually maintaining a "page" that contained links to all the hidden galleries (actually it was a gallery with the links in the markdown, and no images). A bit of an inconvenience but it worked.

I was going to do the same in Backlight, but I've noticed the really useful feature whereby the hidden gallieries show up (with the "hidden" symbol) when you are also logged into Backlight itself.

Question: Would it be possible for hidden galleries to also show if I have logged in using the master username/password? I'd rather not give out access to the Backlight admin screens.


#7 Re: Backlight Support » No METADATA displayed » 2016-05-11 20:19:59

With regard to lack of Caption falling back to Filename, my preference would be to fall back to Title if there is one, otherwise to Filename.


#8 Backlight Support » All the other bits of Backlight not mentioned so far » 2016-05-08 01:13:25

Replies: 1

Matt & Ben (& Rod)

I've been playing with Backlight for a couple of days now. And I actually have a pretty useable site. Sure I've raised a few issues, a couple of which we need to get to the bottom of, but for a first release with such radical changes it is pretty impressive. I'm really very aware of how much there is in there that just works well.

I've felt a bit bad bombarding you with a series of problems. I just wanted to balance that with a thank you for all the stuff in there that we don't have to complain about!


#9 Backlight Support » Maintenance of copy text (particularly in trays) » 2016-05-08 01:01:48

Replies: 1

As I've been developing a new site I've ended up with the same copy text in tray1 (basically a set of links). It works fine, but I do have the text entered in about 6 places (top level gallery template, normal gallery templates, album set templates, etc). It's manageable as they won't change much.

But I just wondered if there was any trick available to e.g. define a piece of text by name, and then reference that name in all the places it occurs. It would just make maintenance a bit easier, but it's no big deal.


#10 Re: Backlight Support » Password Protected Album Sets » 2016-05-08 00:56:47

Hi Ben

No, the problem is definitely there for unauthenticated users. You can see the effect quite clearly on Rod's site.

The check for the protected Album Set is being done whenever an album underneath it is accessed (even if it is several layers of album sets down). But you can work your way down through arbitrary levels of Album Sets themselves without the authentication kicking in as it should.


#11 Backlight Support » Password Protected Album Sets » 2016-05-07 01:08:19

Replies: 5

Password protection on an album set is working a little differently from CE4.

On CE4 I had to authenticate as soon as I clicked on the Album Set.

On Backlight I can click on the password protected Album Set and I am immediately taken into it, able to see all of its albums (and their cover thumbnails). It is only when I click on a (not-explicitly-protected) album within the set that I have to authenticate.

I think CS4 had the correct behaviour. If an Album Set is protected an unauthenticated user shouldn't be able to see what galleries are within along with their cover images.


#12 Re: Backlight Support » How to set custom cover images for an Album Set? » 2016-05-07 01:03:26

That's fine. I was using a series of png files in CE4 but I'll convert them to jpg.


#13 Re: Backlight Support » How to set custom cover images for an Album Set? » 2016-05-07 00:56:45

Ah - worked it out. It's not recognising a .png file. Tried with a .jpg and it worked - without the autoindex.xml file.

#14 Re: Backlight Support » How to set custom cover images for an Album Set? » 2016-05-07 00:52:57

Yes that's what I tried - copying the autoindex.xml from that album set in CE4 to galleries/albumsetname/ and the thumbnail to galleries/albumsetname/thumbnails/ 

It was a while ago that I set these up in CE4 and can't remember how I did. I don't remember having to manually create an autoindex.xml though...

#15 Backlight Support » How to set custom cover images for an Album Set? » 2016-05-07 00:29:35

Replies: 6

When creating an Album Set in LR, I can set the Cover Image to Custom. But where do I specify and upload the cover images now? Just in case I tried manually copying over the autoindex.xml and thumbnail that I had in CE4 but that's not recognised...

Thanks, Chris

#16 Re: Backlight Support » Font paths problem » 2016-05-06 22:44:21

On their way by email in a few minutes...

#17 Re: Backlight Support » Font paths problem » 2016-05-06 22:16:06

Hi Ben

Disabling the cache made no difference. I suspected it wouldn't as I had been clearing the template cache between each change anyway. Adding the line in style.php to zap the method wasn't good - it meant that even if you start as https the navigation always takes you to http.

I don't think this is the core of the problem. As in my previous post, it goes wrong simply using http only. I'm sure that whatever is happening there needs fixing first as it will be masking any other problems to do with the method (if there are actually any).

Try my /test/ instance just with http..... (I've left it as it was with caching enabled and without the style.php change).


#18 Re: Backlight Support » Font paths problem » 2016-05-06 19:14:14

Hi Ben

I've made that change including clearing the template and browser caches, but no difference I'm afraid. The site is available over normal http:80 as well, and the same problems happen there.

I was getting many different and unpredictable/unrepeatable effects. For example removing Search from the menu list randomly changed which pages fetched the icons correctly (sometimes home would, sometimes about would but contact wouldn't, etc). And again different effects using http and https.

So back to basics. I installed a virgin copy (with the patch you supplied) into /test/. I took care to access the backlight admin screen only using http. It populated the Site URL as expected with http://...... I only set the mandatory fields (email, api key, etc) and didn't change anything else.

Clearing the browser cache, and accessing the site using http - home & search retrieve the font correctly; about & contacts try to retrieve from /test/fonts/....

This is the simplest case and is repeatable. I feel we should try to nail this first and then see if there are any residual problems. Happy to help however I can, and to give you access to the site. I have tar archives of the site immediately after install, after backlight config, and after accessing as above if they would help.

Many thanks

#19 Backlight Support » Pages - two columns but no tray? » 2016-05-05 22:50:25

Replies: 10

In CE4 Pages I had some pages that were two columns. As the width narrowed the second column would drop down underneath the first.

Is this possible in Backlight at the moment? I can get the second column to disappear into a tray, but not to just move down in the main area.


#20 Re: Backlight Support » Font paths problem » 2016-05-05 22:24:55

It seems to be a bit more convoluted, but is trivial to replicate. I re-installed Backlight+Pages from scratch, entering the bare minimum information in the initial setup. As before the install was into /chris/. I then cleared the browser cache and tried the following:

Go to the home page. The font retrieval is correct: - - [05/May/2016:14:09:08 +0100] "GET /chris/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2117 - - [05/May/2016:14:09:09 +0100] "GET /chris/index.php?template=6&extension=css&name=style HTTP/1.1" 200 20329 - - [05/May/2016:14:09:09 +0100] "GET /chris/backlight/modules/okapi-core/static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 66624 - - [05/May/2016:14:09:09 +0100] "GET /chris/index.php?template=6&extension=js&name=scripts HTTP/1.1" 200 144495

Click on the About page. The font retreievals are wrong in two different ways. The first set would not have been noticeable if I wasn't installing into a subdirectory. The second set is just wrong. The same happens for the Contact and Search pages: - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /chris/about/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2125 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /chris/about/index.php?template=5&extension=css&name=style&ppf=on HTTP/1.1" 200 20325 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /backlight/modules/okapi-core/static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 265 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /backlight/modules/okapi-core/static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 264 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /backlight/modules/okapi-core/static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 263 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /chris/about/index.php?template=5&extension=js&name=scripts&ppf=on HTTP/1.1" 200 144495 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /chris/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 5694 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /chris/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 5693 - - [05/May/2016:14:10:34 +0100] "GET /chris/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 5435

I then published one gallery. Clicking  on Galleries is ok (I cleared the browser cache before doing this so the font GET showed up - it was cached in the browser): - - [05/May/2016:14:15:53 +0100] "GET /chris/galleries/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2435 - - [05/May/2016:14:15:53 +0100] "GET /chris/galleries/index.php?template=2&extension=css&name=style HTTP/1.1" 200 20771 - - [05/May/2016:14:15:53 +0100] "GET /chris/galleries/test/thumbnails/cp-20160503-Bushey-Park-0048.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 22697 - - [05/May/2016:14:15:53 +0100] "GET /chris/backlight/modules/okapi-core/static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 66624 - - [05/May/2016:14:15:53 +0100] "GET /chris/galleries/index.php?template=2&extension=js&name=scripts HTTP/1.1" 200 144496

Hope that helps narrow it down.

#21 Re: Backlight Support » Font paths problem » 2016-05-05 17:36:45

Hi Matt

Thanks for the fast reply. Have emailed you the info.


#22 Backlight Support » Font paths problem » 2016-05-05 16:29:28

Replies: 11

Firstly congratulations on getting this first release out. It's a much much better way of doing things. Quite by coincidence I looked to see if Backlight was available and bought it - 3 hours before I got the email saying it was available. By then it was up and running - very smooth.

The main gremlin I have so far relates to fonts. My installation is in a subdirectory ( -  I don't know if that is relevant. In the apache logs I have the following which occur in mobile (e.g. when I shrink the width of a browser). The menu icons are not rendering, and on an iphone6 sometimes disappear entirely. It is trying to retrieve the font with the first part of the path missing:

"GET /chris/index.php?template=6&extension=css&name=style HTTP/1.1" 200 20333
"GET /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 229
"GET /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 228
"GET /fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.5.0 HTTP/1.1" 404 227
"GET /chris/index.php?template=6&extension=js&name=scripts HTTP/1.1" 200 144495

I can see the font files in ./backlight/modules/okapi-core/static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff.
Nothing is logged in the apache error log.

When looking at the site on an iphone6 the icons are missing (black) for the "Pages" pages but are there on the "Gallery" pages.

Everything is largely at default settings at the moment.


#23 Re: CE4 Gallery » Masonry Style very slow and thumbnail resolution very low » 2014-09-09 17:01:08


With regard to the randomly missing captions, it sounds very similar to one of the things I described at (this one not actually related to LUA). Did you have multiple galleries publishing simultaneously by any chance? And what version/platform is LR?


#24 Re: CE4 Gallery » Masonry Style very slow and thumbnail resolution very low » 2014-09-06 23:35:59

I've just tried the Masonry Elastic and I love it. Not for all types of photos, but for many they look fantastic. Thanks for the tips about the thumbnail sizes too.

I also noticed slowness, however it depends on the browser. Firefox can be horrifyingly slow rendering the elastic ones, but IE is much faster - in some cases 10-15 times faster than Firefox (on the same machine). I haven't tried any other browsers. I've reduced images per page from 100 down to 50 to help. It would be great if there was anything that could be done to speed up the Firefox rendering. It's the main browser around here...


#25 CE4 Stage » Multiple HTML5 videos on a page? » 2014-09-01 17:54:46

Replies: 1

I have HTML5 videos working well thanks. Was wondering though if there any way to construct a page with multiple videos on. I'm guessing not as there is only one place in publisher to specify the video base names. Just asking in case there is some clever way of doing it but no worry if there isn't.


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