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#1 Re: CE4 Theme for WordPress » Menu Label when Collapsed » 2015-01-10 04:53:43

Thanks Rod, Pretty obvious once you pointed me to it.
- Dave

#2 CE4 Theme for WordPress » Menu Label when Collapsed » 2015-01-09 17:16:56

Replies: 3

Hi All,

I'm building up a website following the "Beginner's Guide to CE4 Publishing and WordPress" tutorial (using WordPress as the main page). I've successfully added the "Imbue Your Menu with the Power of MAGIC" feature.

For my Wordpress CE4 theme (and all of my other CE4 themes) I've used the "Menu Label when Collapsed" feature to show "Menu" instead of the icon.

This works as expected for my WordPress pages and posts, but on the subtended CE4 Gallery and Stage pages, while the WordPress menu structure propagates just fine, the collapsed menu label reverts to the icon. Does anyone know if this is an expected behavior? or am I missing something?

Any thoughts appreciated,
Thanks, Dave

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