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#1 General » wordpress suddenly not working from my website » 2013-07-31 17:37:50

Replies: 1

Suddenly my wordpresspage on my website ( says: example page and I am not able to change anything anymore.Is this a wordpress thing or a ttg thing? I did not write any messages for some time on the blog, could this be the cause?

#2 Re: General » form-to email does not work » 2013-04-10 19:31:40

Hi Matthew and Rod,

I want to thank you both for helping me find the way to the solution of my problem. I feel very embarressed by the outcome of my search; I did not know the form checked whether the email field is filled correctly. For the sake of speed I filled all fields like: dhkjfh. So the invalid email address answer I got was about the one I typed in the form, not the one I tried to sent it to.
Thank you again for your wonderfully fast support and for the very good TTG concept!

#3 Re: General » form-to email does not work » 2013-04-09 06:50:00

Hi Matthew,
Thanks for your answer. I am sorry, but I cannot think af anything I did not try or check.
Is it OK for my email address nowhere to be found in the formtoemail.php, nor in the contact.php form?
I did as you wrote and in order to get unchanged scripts again I exported pages from lightroom again, once with my hosts email address in receiving position and "from" empty. Once with the receiving email address being my gmail address and the "from" address being my hosts email address. In both intsances I copied both my form to email.php and my contact.php to my websites root directory, overwriting both existing files. Still I receive the message: invalid email  address when trying to use the form at my website. When I directly use this email address there is no problem.
Please do not send me to one of your tutorials again, because I have been reading those the last week and know them nearly bij heart. I understand you don't want to write things twice, but I have been spending very much time building my website and it is no use when I cannot get the email form working.

#4 General » form-to email does not work » 2013-04-07 18:26:33

Replies: 8

The first time after uploading my website ( when I tried to use my contact form I was referred to the thank you page, but never received an email. Nor did I receive an email when sending directly. I have asked help from my host, my internet provider and browsed every tutorial I could find on the TTG website, but nothing seemed to help. I was advised not to transfer my email from my webhost to my internetprovider, wich I did: I disabled the transfer. After that I consequently get the message: invalid email adress. Sending directly does not give any problems anymore though.
When checking the formtoemail script, I noticed that my emailaddress was not there: emptyness between the "" . Reading their tutorial (which you are referred to in the script) I read that my email address has to be in the script, which seems logic to me. Filling it in the script does not seem to help though, neither helps filling in a "from" adres (identical to my email adress).
I also checked the PHP version of my host with the aid of your advice and software and everything was perfect.
So now I am at a loss.
Could you please give me advice?

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