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#1 Re: Backlight Support » 503 error » 2018-06-01 22:45:32


Hey Rod, it's awesome that you take such care of my matter, much obliged.
Alas, no success so far... if a regular backlight-album is the option «unmanaged» (Instead of managed by client response) in Lightroom, that doesn't work as well, resulting in a 503-error with 13 jpgs that are 1800 px. 

Regarding permissions, the main folder and all folders/files beneath them are set to 777 currently, permissions was my first instinct but doesn't seem to be the problem.

#2 Re: Backlight Support » 503 error » 2018-06-01 21:57:57


No, the site is up and running, hosted at Strato PowerWebPro & 503 comes up every time I do this, it is rather rare that I manage to publish an album at all. I only have Client Response as this is what I use TTG for, letting clients pick their images and feeding the choice back into LR.
So it is not new behavior. The last time I did it it didn't work with the TIF & I put low-res JPG in, but this time this also did not help.

#3 Re: Backlight Support » 503 error » 2018-06-01 21:06:30


Dear Rod, thanks for the quick reply.
root is at 64M already, here is the content of php.ini:

file_uploads = On
max_execution_time = 120
post_max_size = 200M
memory_limit = 200M
register_globals = Off
safe_mode = Off
upload_max_filesize = 64M
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
session.cache_expire = 180

#4 Backlight Support » 503 error » 2018-06-01 19:26:33

Replies: 8

Sorry to bother you with this, but I keep getting a .503 error when publishing a collection to Backlight/Client Review. Should be latest version.

I tried modifying .htaccess & deleted them completely, to no avail.
I tried to use JPG instead of TIF, so keep the load lighter in LR, no result

Sometimes it works, but mostly not & this time it just won't work, even if I keep it down to 13 images.

Can't find any way to make TTG/Backlight/client response work properly and am quite ready to throw the towel.

503 error

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