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#1 Re: Backlight Support » pages issue » 2017-10-04 05:29:35

Ben wrote:

I had missed that you’re attempting to run Backlight on nginx. Had you seen our article on this? … web_server

Yeah, I tried those steps as well and I couldn't get it to work, so I jumped servers.

Thanks Ben!


#2 Re: Backlight Support » pages issue » 2017-10-04 02:12:04

Okay, I was not able to get nginx to work as a front-end, so I switched to Apache, followed the instructions for that, and everything seems to be working as expected, so I will convert my other web projects to use apache as well.

Thanks for the help, ya'll.

#3 Re: Backlight Support » pages issue » 2017-09-26 12:47:56

Thanks for you suggestions, I will get back to this later this week and report back.

As an addendum, I apologize for the actual problem missing from my original post.

As I read more, I see that nginx isn't supported as a server front-end, so I will redo things to use apache so that I'm on a path that is supported.

The problem is that Backlight reports everything is fine, and the message in the alert area says "The page was updated successfully", but then when I try and visit the About page, I get a 404.

But never mind, I didn't realize that nginx wasn't supported, so I'll start over.

#4 Re: Backlight Support » pages issue » 2017-09-24 00:25:00

Ben wrote:

Is this restricted to the error logs?  If so, this should be of little concern.  Notices are just that, notices.

I will look at the code to see whether it can be cleaned up.

No, this error is generated in the web server logs, and the about and contact pages are never created, and return a 404 when I try and access them.

There is no notification that anything is wrong in the backlight admin, the disk changes to the spinner and then back, but it's not working.


#5 Re: Backlight Support » pages issue » 2017-09-23 06:50:06

rod barbee wrote:

did you upload the index.php and .htaccess files? … on_install

Yeah, I've followed that doc, and uploaded the index.php in the root as well as the .htaccess in the root.

I fixed permissions in the two spots mentioned, and the upload and galleries work lovely, but the other pages throw that error.


#6 Backlight Support » pages issue » 2017-09-23 02:23:40

Replies: 11

Hey all!

I just installed backlight+pages, and the gallery part is working great, but I'm having issues with the pages part (about and contact).  When I try and Edit Properties or Design, I get this message in the server logs:

FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: message in /var/www/jgp/backlight/framework/models/GenericEntity.php on line 235" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: <redacted>, request: "POST /backlight/designer/?a=edit_page&p1=5&p2=content HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock:", host: "<redacted>", referrer: "<redacted>/backlight/designer/?a=edit_page&p1=5&p2=view"

I'm running the latest backlight (downloaded about a day ago), web server is nginx.

I've tried building out the /about/index.php on the filesystem from the root backlight directory, ensuring that it's writeable, etc.  But nothing seems to fix it.

Any guidance?

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