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#1 Re: CE4 Publisher » Publisher issue/question? » 2014-08-09 14:51:35

Ben wrote:

Hi Lorne,

Thanks for confirming.  There's not much we can tell from the error.  Can you login to your FTP and see whether there are any error logs on the server?  These may be named something like error_log, and reside either directly in your public_html folder, or in the sub-folders ttg-g/ or ttg-g/opp.  It could also reside in a folder such as public_html/logs/ or just logs on the same level as public_html.

My PHP errors are logged in the folder where a PHP error occurred. There are none in any ttg folder.

#2 Re: CE4 Publisher » Publisher issue/question? » 2014-08-09 14:37:48


so in digging around a bit more, here's where I am.

If the created gallery (either through CE4 Publisher or CE4 Gallery, has an index.php, I can't view it. If it has an index.html, I'm good.

I found this out by uploading a gallery, then editing it to add Social Sharing to the gallery (which now creates index.php VS index.html) and uploading it again, it fails.

#3 Re: CE4 Publisher » Publisher issue/question? » 2014-08-09 13:43:34

Ben wrote:

Hi Lorne, your PHP version is fine.  Version numbers aren't decimals.  The numbers after the last period represent the revision number.  That means you're running the 17th revision of PHP 5.2, which is newer than the 6th revision.

Can you confirm that your top-level galleries directory in Publisher is set to 'ttg-g'?  Looking at I see two two directories, 'drina' and 'opp'.  'drina' appears to be a non-Publisher gallery.  Is that correct?  I can't tell what 'opp' is as it takes me to an error page.  Is that the album that you're having trouble with?

hi Ben...

Yep, my top level setting in LR is set to ttg-g

drina is an LR gallery I made with CE4 gallery and FTP'd manually to the ttg-g folder.

opp is the gallery I made with CE4 Publisher, using the template from the drina gallery, but can't view after creation.

#4 Re: CE4 Publisher » Publisher issue/question? » 2014-08-09 03:43:12

thanks for your effort Rod.

I can FTP my work for now, but I do prefer the publish services within LR.

#5 Re: CE4 Publisher » Publisher issue/question? » 2014-08-09 03:27:19

rod barbee wrote:

first thing to try is taking the space out of the name of the template. Use only letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens.


that was done as part of my troubleshooting. The behaviour is the same with a properly formatted folder name.

It's now back to

#6 Re: CE4 Publisher » Publisher issue/question? » 2014-08-09 03:02:26

those links work for me.

my host is running PHP 5.2.17

the URL for direct access to the template is … od%20copy/

the URL for the published gallery is

I'll assume the PHP rev level is the deal breaker?

ETA... apparently I can upgrade to 5.4 (I use Bluehost). Any suggestions on determining if I have any dependencies on being at 5.2.17? I am not aware of any scripts I have installed ion my own.

#7 CE4 Publisher » Publisher issue/question? » 2014-08-09 02:49:20

Replies: 12

I have followed the install steps and seem to be almost there... using Publisher CE4 and Gallery CE4.

I can't open a published gallery created inside LR with Publisher. Just get a standard 404 error. Exporting the same gallery manually by FTP works. I navigated to the template's location on the server and it works as expected.

When I look at the folder/file structure of my saved "template" vs. the published folder structure via Publisher, they are not the same. Should they be? I would have thought LR/Publisher would use the same parameters for a gallery they create resulting in the same basic structure, save for the actual images. The main thing I see is index.html in the gallery that works, and index.php on the one that does not.

LR sees my template, in that when I open the settings of the gallery under my Publish service in LR, it is selected. I renamed the template via FTP, and LR picks up on the change of name, so I know it can see the template folder and it's where it expected it to be.

I have searched for "template" and didn't find anything relevant.

Screenshots attached...

this is the listing for my template, which I can open in a browser as expected...

this is the listing for the gallery as published, which I can't open...

Any suggestions?



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