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#1 Re: General » Looking for a check listed road map to overcome setup problems. (Newby » 2014-04-05 20:53:30

Thanks for the feed back.

I sent Matt a number of images as to what I was getting.

How can I be more specific as to what I "expect to see" if I have never seen 'it' or the software do it? As I said, Im new to the software in the sense that I have not being sucessful in setting it up in a basic configuration from which to build experience from; and have been struggling to get it to show a list of multiple galleries under "work".

Originally, I did manage to unload a gallery (or, set of images) and then, as per the instructions moved onto setting up LR and the server so that I could select a number of images in Lightroom and then upload them directly to the server as per the instructions & without using an ftp program.

That has basically worker. The galleries that are listed after selecting work are there, its just that the images no longer display.

Trying to sort out Matt suggestion now.

Where do I download a CES3 Pages update from?

#2 General » Looking for a check listed road map to overcome setup problems. (Newby » 2014-04-05 12:40:45

Replies: 5


Although I have had the software for a little while, other life constrainst have prevented me from giving the setup sequence weeks on end to over come what must obviously be an incorrect setting.

I have followed the beginners set up sequence here … publishing

a number of times despite arriving with same same results.

Asking Matt has resulted in being sent the same step-by-step material i have already been following.

I was hoping that somebody with a lot of lateral experience in setting up i web pages could help me out here , point me in perhaps what is a common mistake that fist timers do direction or some one has a check list that I cold work through to see see if I have made all the right settings? Please

Thanks for your help, time and input. 


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